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#1 2010-07-18 18:39:33
of the fire and water dept , the owner of the reclaimed asphalt said in an artical in wareham week that they would have to have paid for the recclaimed asphalt to be removed , so as i see it the employee was doing the owner of the reclaimed asphalt a favor , but in the croninb case ,cronin was found guilty and he was in charge of the project he stole from and he ordered hydro seeding truks to his private residence , slager is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill , but in the cronin case he was involved with a major coverup , slager close your paper and disapear wareham is sick of your crap and lies.
#2 2010-07-18 20:55:06
By: robertslager on 7/18/10
I thought this was interesting. I e-mailed the following question to Michael Martin a few days ago. I have included his response.
RS: "Wareham Police Chief Stanley has basically accused you of lying, Mr. Martin. Care to comment on that?"
MM: Mr. Slager – I ask you again can I send these emails to the blog site. And when it comes to lying you’re the expert, so you make the call.
RS: I'm not the least bit interested in playing childish games to you. The police chief has told me directly that the claim you made to Wareham Week is absolutely false. He said no one from his department ever told you or any member of the Wareham Fire District that the police agreed that no crimes have been committed. You are a public official, Mr. Martin. You have a responsibility to the people who pay your salary. Apparently you do not grasp the gravity of this situation. The police chief has basically called you a lair. I will do my due diligence as a journalist and give you one last chance to respond. Why did you tell Wareham Week that the police believe no criminal charges are necessary when no one from the department ever told you that?
MM: Mr Slager - Why are you afraid of that? Are you only comfortable with softball questions? Again, you disappoint me. I assumed you would have enough spine for that. Again I ask – can I send these emails to the blog?
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