#1 2010-07-15 07:06:34

A municipal government turned cannibal for the sake of public spectacle is already several orders of nuts.

Enlisting the police department to prosecute it means none of us are safe.

I hope I'm wrong.

Last edited by billw (2010-07-15 07:27:55)



#2 2010-07-15 07:32:42

I have kept quiet about this but since I spent 40 years working in the public sector I guess now is a good time to comment. Yes, what happened was TECHNICALLY wrong. These employees are covered under union contracts, we all know how those unions can be damn leg breakers and such.

However, do we really expect to use our police resources to prosecute the violation of receiving $400.00 worth of dirt that was free to every one else? Let the ethics commission send a letter admonishing the employee and get on with it.

Believe me when I tell you, I got to witness some pretty amazing things over 40 years and this is a waste of time, energy and resources. If this is the level of corruption in Wareham I am grateful. This isn't corruption, it is bad decision making, poor choices, acting like a moron and the violation of a law that was designed to protect the public from people like that lady from Beacon Hill shoving money in her bra.



#3 2010-07-15 07:57:37

I wonder how many years Bobo thinks this employee should get for stealing $400.00 worth of asphalt. Maybe we should spend another $30,000 or $40,000 prosecuting this guy. Bobo what this guy did was wrong but it wasn’t the crime of the century.

The fact that you are trying to bring the police into a matter that has already been resolved is scary. The fact the police chief is listening to you and giving you statements all so you can try to get people to believe your STUPID Wareham is full of corruption and there are cover ups everywhere story, is even scarier.



#4 2010-07-15 08:40:48

When is the Civil Service exam for Chief of Police?



#5 2010-07-15 19:57:37

Capt. C
I live in Bourne and if you believe everything you read you will stay negative. My town is the same but just  change the players. Believe what doesn't make the home town rags. Hey Biff, do you really believe the best person for the job will come from the exam. If you do senility has set in.



#6 2010-07-15 20:34:26

Senility set in a long time ago, Paul!!



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