#1 2010-06-15 18:39:18
Bobo, YOU are the only one "labeling" people in the Town of Wareham.
"library lobby"
"political activist"
"hate site"
"take back wareham crew"
...and I'd even go as far to say "cape verdian community" while they do exist, you lump that term to mean that they are all of one mindset or political opinion.
Those are LABELS created by YOU, and used frequently by you and you followers.
How dare you pawn it off on others. Your pastor must be so proud of you.
#2 2010-06-15 19:32:36
#3 2010-06-16 03:11:32
The question of the day is ?????????????????????????
Why does Slager still use the photo he attaches to his delusional articles ????
It is Slagger from another time and place, not Wareham.
What a douche..............this guy and his dope infused theme of "Division Bell" is just way too much. Been toking the weed Bobo.............Go get a real job you looser, leave Wareham alone .................Wait, remember the Wall............... " Hey Bobo, leave them kids alone..................
Bobo...........Bobo you are the biggest jerk ever, you can't even be a big man in a little town
#4 2010-06-16 06:49:46
You are so right! We never had a problem disagreeing in the past.
#6 2010-06-16 16:33:55
Bobo publishes a newspaper (insert joke here).