#1 2010-05-24 00:01:51
I hope everyone had a great weekend..How about that weather?? But now...
"We" need at least 150 people to attend and vote on the "money" articles...so don't take the night off (bring a friend)
Still to come on Monday:
-- A proposal to form a committee to consider uses for a parcel of Swifts Beach land acquired by eminent domain in 2003. Since the acquisition, the land has remained largely untouched -- even for management as conservation land.
-- A variety of zoning changes designed by the Planning Board to protect Route 28 from downtown to the Rochester line from the kind of commercial sprawl experienced on the East Wareham portion of the Cranberry Highway.
-- A number of proposals by the Community Preservation Committee to use Community Preservation Act funds (a combination of real estate taxes and state money) for historic preservation, affordable housing and open space preservation.
WW: Town Meeting resumes Monday to address remaining issues
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs