#1 2010-05-22 00:15:07

"ILIVEINAZOO - We never thought there could be a more idiotic blogger than HAMATRON but we were mistaken. After once again reading her claims that the Observer made up the library scandal story it’s time to finally reply.
    Does this nitwit actually think I would sit across a table from two IG investigators (former federal agents, no less) and lie through my teeth for hours? Does this nitwit actually think I could get away with that or that I would even try and risk winding up in jail? Here’s a newsflash: The IG is investigating the library. Apparently there was enough evidence to convince them to do that. So please, put the glass down, get into bed and sleep it off because you are truly embarrassing yourself now.
    There. Now I feel better."

Come on Ham, lets say it together, ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Someone get Slager a pacie, he is such a cry baby. By the way, since you have to pay to play on your site I will share your "comment" section to.

Member Opinions:

By: 4dognite on 5/20/10
I noticed Cara Winslow spent alot of time with her blackberry during the BOS meeting, is she getting "texts' from friends and supporters DURING the meeting? Funny how she responds after looking at her phone.

By: totellthetruth on 5/20/10
Cara has always appeared to me to be very "tentative".First time I laid eyes on her was when she was looking for an appointment to the Charter Review Commitee. Before her interview she was seated in the front of the room, she kept turning around and exchanging silent mouthed comments from her baseball capped friend sitting in the rear of the room. I also notice at the meetings now she seems to "look" at something on the desk before she speaks."

Cara Winslow probably wonders why these people have this weird fascination with her. It is a bit freaky. TTTT I was at the meeting when she interviewed for the CRC, I never once saw her turn around, nor did I see her ball capped friend. At least be honest if you want to tell the truth.

I do think it is great that they have stopped throwing Steve Holmes under the bus, too bad the man had to have heart problems before these cowards could find it in their hearts to be remotely decent to the man. Oh right, they had to find hearts first, silly me! Must be all that drinking I do.

Finally, I have never been much of a fan of Walter Cruz (Yes Dick I know, but we are all entitled to our opinions). He's a nice enough man, his heart is in the right place. It is nice to see that he finally has the ability to weigh out the issues for himself and make his own decision. I didn't vote for him. I am not going to say he is the greatest thing since sangria. I am also not going to say he is the worst thing that could have happened. It is, however, very hypocritical of the "newspaper" who so wholeheartedly endorsed him to be such a fair weather friend. Stand behind your man Slager! I am happy to see him be a strong voice on the Board, I hope it continues.

On a happier note, did anyone else watch the WCTV Live Auction tonight? I caught it here and there as I am on grandchild duty tonight while the kids went out for "date night" (this is a whole different topic but can someone explain to me what this is, when I raised my kids I never had a date night, in fact, there is 5 years between two of my children and there is a REASON for that!). They had some great music and a real funny comedian. They also had Cara who played auctioneer for a while.



#2 2010-05-22 01:48:32

It looks like I have to get back on my game!  A 50 year old washed-up loser who sits on his computer all day hates the Zoo more than the Ham!



#3 2010-05-22 07:28:23

You "gave Peace a chance" Ham, take off the gloves!!..my reason for ever posting on this site was that Bobo is a douche-bag and he has never disappointed..Slager will be long gone and the library scandal will go with him..



#4 2010-05-22 07:37:57

Time to get off of the Peace Train, Ham.
We gave peace a chance, won, and have maintained some peace.
Enough is enough. Garbage has to be taken out, not left in the house to fester. The troll is garbage.
Remove it!!



#5 2010-05-22 08:49:52

For the record, yes rag man I do think you lied and I hope they throw your sorry ass in jail for wasting the amount of tax payer dollars and resources your bullshit has caused.

Ham, it may be time for a video!



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