#1 2010-05-18 16:59:08

From their super album, Dark side of the Moon.


The Lunatic is you-know-who
The lunatic works in the Loo
His workplace is convenient to the tub
when it's time for a rub-a-dub-dub

The lunatic has had a fall
The lunatic is in a 'stall'
The paper holds his flaccid face right to the floor
And every day the unsolds grow some more

The lunatic is in his head
The lunatic is in his head
We raised the votes, we made the change
We made it clear that he's not sane
Please lock his door
And throw away the key
There's something in his head that should not be

And if the outbursts thunder in his ear
He rants and no one seems to hear
And when the Town did vote a different way to go
We got to see the Dark Side of BoBo

("I can't think of anything to say, except...
I think it's Marvelous! HaHaHa!)



#2 2010-05-18 18:02:29

Nota...you are great!
I am privileged to know you and call you my friend.



#4 2010-05-18 21:16:43

"There is no dark side of the BoBo, really
Matter of fact, It's all dark"

(from the last words of "Eclipse")



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