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#1 2010-04-18 21:59:21
This year the Onset Fire District Election has one seat open for 1st Assistant Engineer. There are four (4) people running for this position which is a Deputy Fire Chief position. I am a member of the Onset Fire Department and I want residents to know just what is involved here. The 1st Assistant Engineer / Deputy Fire Chief is one of 3 chiefs that run the department. This job is anything but a 9-5 Monday through Friday Job. This job requires the candidate to work all hours of the day, evening / overnight shifts as well as day shifts on a rotating schedule. These Chiefs are responsible for you and your family’s Life, Safety, Property, and the firefighters of the Onset Fire District. It is extremely important you the resident understand the importance of this job.
If your house was on fire, or your family is involved in a serious motor vehicle accident, you the resident should feel safe knowing the chief responding as the commander of your emergency is capable and knowledgeable of every aspect of your emergency. Would you feel safe knowing there are people running for this position that have absolutely no fire experience coming to save your family.
I have been working in the emergency services field for 21 years. I can’t stress enough how important it is that you the resident think before you make that vote. In the interest of public safety I urge you to vote for the candidate that is going to handle your emergency with the best ability, knowledge, and the love for your community. Vote for the candidate that IS currently a full time firefighter for the Onset Fire District. Vote for the candidate that has furthered his education in the fire service with the most up to date technology. Vote for a candidate that has great knowledge of the fire apparatus in the onset fire district. And finally vote for a candidate that will give you 110 percent every day for the long term career, not some retired candidates that want a district pension after 3 years.
Make the smart vote and cast your ballot for the most qualified and committed candidate Jeff Dias on May 18, 2010
Last edited by flashg17 (2010-04-28 18:55:07)
#3 2010-04-20 20:57:02
Allow me to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jeffrey Dias and I am a candidate for election in the much contested race for 1st Assistant Engineer at the Onset Fire Department. Simply put this person is a Deputy Fire Chief who, in the absence of the Fire Chief, is responsible for the day to day operations and command of emergency scenes. I have been a member of the Onset Fire Department since 1998. In 2004 I was promoted to Lieutenant, a position in which I remained until I was hired in 2005 as the new Permanent Full Time Firefighter. While I am a devoted husband and father to my wife Alicia and my daughter Rebecca, I spend much of my free time attending training to further my education and be able to perform my job more effectively. Pay it forward takes special meaning to me, which is why I spend yet even more time instructing not only at the Onset Fire Department, but also for the Plymouth County Fire Rescue Training Association. So while I may not have as many years of service as others, I challenge anyone to compare training attendance records or course completion certificates with me. I love the Onset Fire Department, care deeply about the safety of the members of the Onset Fire Department, and promise to give 110 percent to ensure that the citizens of Onset have the very best protection of their lives and property possible. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. Please give me your consideration May 18th 2010.
#4 2010-05-06 01:05:44
Jaime Rebhan wrote:
The Onset Protective League will host a candidates' night on Thursday, May 13, at 7 p.m. at the Dudley Brown V.F.W. post, 5 Gibbs Ball Park Road. The Onset Fire District annual meeting will be held on Monday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m., at the V.F.W., and the election will be on Tuesday, May 18, also at the V.F.W.
WW: Onset Fire District gears up for election
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-06 01:06:05)
#5 2010-05-16 18:32:16
OFD Candidates Night
Vote Tuesday at the VFW
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-16 18:32:49)
#6 2010-05-17 09:06:02
and why, exactly, is this an elected position ?????
#8 2010-05-18 16:47:35
notalawyer wrote:
and why, exactly, is this an elected position ?????
Jaime Rebhan wrote:
Tuesday's election will be the last one that will determine a member of Onset Fire Department's Board of Engineers. Attendees of the Onset Fire District's annual meeting Monday voted to allow the district's Prudential Committee to appoint the Fire Chief and two assistant engineers beginning on July 1.
WW: Onset Fire District votes for appointment of engineers
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