#1 2010-05-18 15:27:36

Hey everybody, given the recent discussions here, and accusations by a certain unnamed Halifax-based political activist, I figured I'd open up a thread to discuss issues pertaining to computer security and fraud.  The only thing that I'll say about the Halifax political activist's thinly-veiled accusations is that they're absolutely ridiculous.  Here is an example of someone else who got hit with something very similar, and followed up via email.  A simple google search brought me to that page.  These types of attacks are NOT uncommon, and I actually had a facebook friend send me something similar the other day - he wasn't stuck in Wales, but he wanted me to click a link to an "IQ test".  Same scam, different message.

Anyways, if you have any questions about computer security, things you should be doing, how these types of things work, other common hacks/scams, or anything else, fire away.  I'll also open this to anybody on the "other" site - feel free to post here, or send me an email at warehamcasualobserver@gmail.com.  I can also be reached via AOL instant messenger using the screen name 'casualobserverma'.  And if the Halifax political activist wants some information for future posts on his blog, I'll even help him - goodness knows that a couple of simple questions could have prevented him from looking so foolish.



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