#1 2010-05-15 16:26:26
Wareham, MA. 2010-05-13 Thu 12:57:41pm
~ click to enlarge image ~
I took this picture and many others just as striking on Thursday. Take a close look and ask yourself, are you prepared to listen to Little Bobby's nonstop horror show, week in and week out, from now until next April? Wareham is their entitlement, their birthright and they will not give an inch.
Fuck That Noise!
We have momentum, support and viable candidates to replace them.
Please, let's recall Eckstrom, Donahue and Cruz before they inflict any more lasting damage.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#2 2010-05-15 16:44:46
Would you clarify please?... I didn't understand what you meant about the "Little Bobby's nonstop horror show" and how it relates to the picture. I must say, it does sound important though!
I also didn't understand why you want to ask people to recall Cruz, especially now that he is such an important swing vote.
I hope you will forgive my ignorance of some of these Wareham town politics subtleties.
#3 2010-05-15 16:57:57
Mr. Onset wrote:
Would you clarify please?... I didn't understand what you meant about the "Little Bobby's nonstop horror show" and how it relates to the picture.
Robert Slager doesn't relate in any way to Wareham. Little Bobby's "visioning" sees nothing more than a cash cow for him and his, Brockton high rises and a paved bay.
Mr. Onset wrote:
I also didn't understand why you want to ask people to recall Cruz, especially now that he is such an important swing vote.
Mr Cruz has supported all the cronie hack hires at extortion wages. That's all I have to know. Your mileage may vary.
#4 2010-05-15 17:16:00
Excellent picture.
#6 2010-05-15 18:50:04
i agree brenda and jane have to be recalled they will screw with our new selectman , and keep change from commong , why are the freinds meeting at the church and not town halll , why has linda florindo been shown the door , recall recall.
#7 2010-05-15 19:30:30
I assume you were in a flying vehicle, Bill.
I would not be surprised to hear that you simply hovered over your beautiful target!
#8 2010-05-15 19:46:43
Bill, these pictures are beautiful. I can almost pin point Mr. Wheeler's house. Maybe these photos will help some people understand how important the Harbormaster is in this town. These pics only show a small portion of the coastline, rivers, lakes, ponds and water holes that they have to patrol.
I love Wareham.
#9 2010-05-15 21:23:37
Me too!
Last edited by Mr. Onset (2010-05-15 21:59:21)
#10 2010-05-16 00:53:41
Nice pics Bill..as usual..
I agree with Mr. Onset on Mr. Cruz...I like what I've seen from him... especially since April 6. Baby steps..one by one the changes are occurring that are "righting the ship" (IMO)...Bobo is an irrelevant douchebag..(don't forget to copy this to your disc douchebag assclown)
(I don't want them to offer any, but if they do)...Any contract offers made to Stanley, or Andrews (especially) should be short term (1 year..or, let's say until just after next April's election)..if Stanley and Andrews don't want to sign short term...then let 'em walk...also, how can we find out when Sanguinet's contract is up? If it "makes sense" (Mr. Andrews) to eliminate department heads and other's for "fiscal reason's"...then cut loose your "binky"..he's done enough damage...If they decide to renew his (Sanguinet's) contract...then they really haven't been paying attention (IMO). I'm not sure if they do, but, if Steve, Cara and Cruz think that these individuals are "the best people for the job(s)", then, I disagree. They are "remnants" of the poor management "style" of the previous BoS ..and I hope that they won't lock "us" into long term deals..so if "we" have to "dismiss" them prior to the end of the contract(s)..then it won't cost taxpayer's an "arm and a leg" in legal costs (learn from the past)...again LET THEM WALK if they don't like the terms..trust me..they want to stay. Andrews (and Burke) have no better options..if they do...good..sayonara. (Sanguinet can live off the money we've overpaid him for awhile)...and Stanley probably owns a small greek island with the way he's been paid. It's supposed to be competitive...not just an open checkbook to ONE individual/position that you drool all over for political reasons... Learn how to negotiate (for the love of God!!)
*Note to Mr. Andrews...there is no "Z" in the word resources..("Rezourzes")
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-16 01:17:26)
#11 2010-05-16 01:18:02
#12 2010-05-16 08:29:13
Sanguinet had a one-year contract in his new position, which he claims was his old position. So from when Andrews was hired and he was relegated to Asst to the Board, that's the date. $80,000 something. Sounds like a couple of salaries plus in the municipal maintenance department to me. Or, or a qualified professional library director plus hours for the staff members who were cut back. We can talk all we want. They do exactly as they please....while they're there.
#13 2010-05-16 09:37:32
I just want to make a few points:
BillW, Mr. Cruz, in fact, was the sole vote against hiring CEDA Director Chris Riley because he felt the salary (remember the whole spech about how Marilyn Walley made too much money) was too high. Mr. Riley was hired at a salary of $86,000.00 annually, far more then Walley made.
P-Span, the Police Chief position is Civil Service, that means he cannot have a "contract" that is subject to renewal. He can only be dismissed for cause. It isn't easy to fire people covered by Civil Service, so the appointment should be considered carefully.
P-Span, I do believe that Mr. Andrews has alienated Mrs. Winslow. Personally I think that was a bad political move on his part, being that he is a career political hack I would think he would know that pissing one of your 5 bosses off during their first month in office is a bad move. He obviously believes that he is secure with 3 votes to get past his probation. That is the only reason I can think of that he would so blatently lie to her on tv. I do not know whether she will still support him staying past his probation, that is a risk an unemployable political hack really shouldn't take. As a footnote I do believe he has been spotted with Jane & John and John's sister Mary Beth having dinner. If that is where he is getting his political advice then it explains a lot.
#14 2010-05-16 23:26:50
iliveinazoo wrote:
the Police Chief position is Civil Service, that means he cannot have a "contract" that is subject to renewal. He can only be dismissed for cause. It isn't easy to fire people covered by Civil Service, so the appointment should be considered carefully..
Thanks Zoo..
Wow...did you watch that? No wonder we're all "problem children"
#15 2010-05-17 06:55:10
#16 2010-05-17 09:41:57
Bill I think more and more people are discovering that Bobo is totally irrelevant. Bobo doesn’t even report the news anymore. He is one big campaign ad and mouthpiece for Brenda and Jane and now the TA. He spends all day working on negative pieces for the rag and blogging on competitor’s web sites. His ranting and ravings about all the imaginary conspiracies in town will be his downfall. More and more seniors I talk to are no longer reading the rag because it is just too negative...
I have also it extremely effective to remind or inform people about the accusations he made against the Marion EMS. Even after Mr. Fowler admitted the information he provided was “incorrect” Bobo wouldn’t back down. The seniors I talk to don’t know what happened in Marion and were shocked when I gave them the details.
He is a socially inept man. He writes outrageous articles so people will pay attention to him. I have noticed when reading the different blogs that a lot of the bloggers now simply ignore him when he posts. I think ignoring him is extremely effective. If you post on the other blogs and he comes ignore his post. I know it’s difficult but it will make him crazy. He only posts to get attention.
#17 2010-05-17 10:01:18
Section 7 - 10 Recall of Elected Officials
(a) Application - Any person who holds an elected town office,
with more than six months remaining of the term of office,
may be recalled from the office, by the voters, in the manner
provided in this section.
(b) Recall Petitions - Twenty-five or more voters may file with
the town clerk an affidavit containing the name of the officer
whose recall is sought and a statement of the grounds upon
which the petition is based. The town clerk shall deliver to the
said voters petition blanks demanding said recall, printed forms of
which he shall keep available. The blanks may be completed by
writing or typewriting; they shall be addressed to the board of
selectmen; they shall contain the names of the persons who filed
the affidavit and the grounds for recall as stated in the affidavit;
they shall demand the election of a successor to the office; and they
shall be dated and signed by the town clerk. A copy of the petition
shall be kept on file in the office of the town clerk in a record book
maintained for that purpose. Notwithstanding any general or
special law or charter provision or by-law of the town of
Wareham, recall petitions shall be returned and filed in the office
of the town clerk within fourteen days following the date the
petitions were issued, signed by at least ten percent of the total
number of registered voters duly recorded on the registration list
of the town clerk as of the preceding town election.
The town clerk shall, within twenty-five hours following such filing,
submit said petitions to the registrars of voters who shall forthwith
certify thereon the number of signatures which are names of voters.
Note: The last sentence of the first paragraph in 7 - 10 (b) was changed to what appears above by a vote of the fall town meeting
of October 20, 1980 under Article 37. It was approved as Chapter 234
of the Acts of 1981 on June 4, 1981 by the state legislature.
(c) Recall Election - If the petition shall be certified by the registrars of
voters to be sufficient, the town clerk shall forthwith submit the same
to the board of selectmen. Upon its receipt of the certified petition, the
board of selectmen shall forthwith give written notice of said petition
and certificate to the person whose recall is sought. If said officer does
not resign his office within five days following delivery of the said notice,
the board of selectmen shall order an election to be held not less than
thirty-five nor more than sixty days after the date of the registrars'
certificate of the sufficiency of the petition. If, however, another town
election is to occur within sixty days after the date of the said certificate,
the board of selectmen shall hold the recall election on the date of said
other town election. If a vacancy occurs in the office after a recall
election has been ordered, the election shall nevertheless proceed as
provided in this section, but only the ballots for candidates need be counted.
(d) Nomination of Candidates - An officer whose recall is sought may not be a candidate to succeed himself at the recall election. The nomination of
candidates, the publication of the warrant for the recall election, and the
conduct of the same shall all be in accordance with the provisions of other
laws relating to elections, unless otherwise provided in this section.
(e) Propositions on ballot - Ballots used at a recall election shall state the
following propositions in the order indicated:
For the recall of (name of officer) / /
Against the recall of (name of officer) / /
Adjacent to each proposition, there shall be a place to vote for either
of the said propositions. After the propositions shall appear the
word "candidates" and the names of candidates arranged alphabetically,
by surname. If a majority of the votes cast upon the question of recall
is in the affirmative, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes
on the question is in the negative, the ballots for candidates need not be
counted, except as provided in (c) above.
(f) Officeholder - The incumbent shall continue to perform the duties of
his office until the recall election. If he is not recalled in the election he
shall continue in office for the remainder of his unexpired term, subject
to recall as before, except as provided in this section. If the officer is recalled in the election, he shall be deemed removed upon the qualification
of his successor who shall hold office during the unexpired term. If the
successor fails to qualify within five days after receiving notification
of his election, the incumbent shall thereupon be deemed removed and
the office vacant.
(g) Repeat of Recall Petition - No recall petition shall be filed against an
officer within three months after he takes office, or in the case of an officer
subjected to a recall election and not recalled thereby, until at least six
months after the election at which his recall was submitted to the voters.
http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … HARTER.doc
ok, so I suck at formatting..
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-17 10:07:08)
#18 2010-05-17 10:48:20
Marny - I have the opportunity to speak to a lot of seniors in town. When LP had the paper in town, they loved it because it was free. They liked what she wrote about her cats and sightings in town. Some have been here for years, others natives and yet others recently retired to Wareham. They didn't seem that interested in the politics or meetings of boards, etc., more the "chatty/catty" stuff. When Slager came aboard, they just continued to get a free paper. Sometimes they would ask if I knew about something they read in his paper. I would try to explain that he didn't have the facts (on most items) and try to make them see truth from fiction. So many smart seniors could not understand how he got away with lies in the paper. If it is in the paper, it is true or must be true, was what I heard over and over. I was glad the new paper came to town - FREE - and suggested it to replace the rag. Many of these seniors have stopped reading it because they were lost with his stories inside of stories and like this new, stress free paper. Words I hear - "whatever happened to that story about.......?"
Slager could be a psychiatrist's worst nightmare. He has to have a mental disorder to be so out of touch with reality. NO, I AM NOT FEELING SYMPATHY FOR HIM! Unlike certain people in town, I would not want him any where around me, let alone supporting me in print.
Please, do not respond to his blogs. No matter how angry he makes us.
Ignore him.
Wareham has given him enough rope, so............ let's all sit back and enjoy watching him hang himself.
#19 2010-05-17 11:31:26
Marny is once again The Voice of Reason.
Attempting to get rid of Slager by responding to his writing is like trying to get rid of squirrels by scattering corn on your lawn.
#20 2010-05-17 12:38:47
Thanks Dick, I think Bobo made a crucial mistake this weekend by revealing the personnel information about Larry. Even some of the people on his site didn’t think what he did was ethical. As the owner of the web site Bobo shared personnel information I think any web site that publishes personnel information about someone who has joined their site really scares people. To publish this kind of information shows that he is more interested in being vindictive and destroying people than being a person who runs his web site ethically. I think people who have joined his site might be concerned and rightly so that if they say or do something he doesn’t like he could publish their personnel info as an act of revenge.
As I said earlier he is irrelevant, social inept, and the attention he receives from his writings is more important to him then the financial stability of his family. He is a poster child for narcissism.
#21 2010-05-17 14:00:16
In the spirit of the one & only Spiro Agnew...
Is the BoBo a 'Nattering Nabob of Narcissism'?
#22 2010-05-17 16:02:25
notalawyer wrote:
In the spirit of the one & only Spiro Agnew...
Is the BoBo a 'Nattering Nabob of Narcissism'?
Remember Rhode Island Governor Ed DiPrete dumpster diving for a payoff stuffed inside his discarded grinder order in the early 90s?
That was Spiro Agnew all over, an ignorant fuckwit too cheap to hire his own bag man after he moved into Dick Cheney's undisclosed location. Spiro could read a script, though. NYTimes columnist and Nixon speech writer Bill Safire gleefully claimed credit for nattering nabobs of negativism.
Yeah, I know you knew that.
#23 2010-05-17 19:43:39
Ahhh, BillW...you bring back memories.
Working in RI, as I did for several time periods, one quickly gets accustomed to the operative spirit in place there. Crossing paths with Congressman St. Germain (Woonsocket) and another former governor (Phil), both with plans to get rich quick using Fed Funds. Being at a group's summer cook-out in Reboboth, ma, when the mayor of Providence arrived in a helicopter to greet the gang, who had been waiting for their 'Buddy' to appear. The following year, being at their annual cook-out in Foster, RI (at the Conn. border), when a full-scale riot broke out, requiring the State Police to come and quell it. Yes. RI is unique in many ways.
I knew some members of the DiPrete family, not the former Gov. The people I knew were straight arrows.
And Safire! The man could conjure up a phrase or two, no doubt about it.
It is interesting to note that some point to Safire and his writings for Nixon/Agnew as leading directly to the extreme postings seen today in politics on all levels. But, if you go back in time, sharp comments are not exactly new. Just ask old T. Jefferson, J. Adams. A. Jackson, A. Lincoln, etc. "Politics ain't beanbag."
#24 2010-05-17 19:55:22
Here is something else that Spiro said. Remind you of anything?
Thank you Bill W for this site.
Point proven.
"The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great public information vehicles and the concentration of more and more power over public opinion in fewer and fewer hands.
Spiro T. Agnew "
Thanks notalawyer...Brian said good job!