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#1 2010-05-16 19:39:53
By: jojan2 on 5/16/10
After listening to Cara Winslow at the selectmen's meeting, she sounded like she thought the "seniors" weren't able to handle cash transactions regarding the beaches. I think it's bad enough that the seniors are having trouble making ends meet and now she doesn't want them making a little extra cash to reduce their tax bill (for those who own a home). Did I understand her correctly? I hope not.
Actually Jojan2 I believe what she said was that she had concerns about any volunteer being responsible for handling money and that it may discourage people from volunteering.
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
I wll have a story on this whole "Andrews lied to Winslow" nonsense tomorrow. I've spoken to both Andrews and Stanley about it, but I have a few last questions.
Oh goody, so Slager is going to explain what? It is all on tape rag man, can't change it, she asked, he answered, a 17 year veteran of the pier isn't coming back. What more can you say, and what does the Chief have to do with this? Is it true he targeted Linda Florindo because he didn't like her Facebook status? Come on you're a "journalist" ask the tough questions. I know, why don't you ask if John and Jane took Andrews on a double date with Mary Beth, we all want to know!
By: teacher91 on 5/16/10
Robert.. about the McDonald story .... Could he have ticked someone off and that someone is trying to set him up?? Sounds pretty far fetched, but so does the whole thing.
Even Teacher is on to you rag man, never thought I would live to see the day.
#2 2010-05-16 20:28:43
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
FYI - I will be sitting down with Ana Miranda, business director for the Wareham School District, for a recorded one-on-one interview. I have a lot of questions about the school bus situation. It should be very interesting.
Lordy Lordy, the rag man is going to do an interview.
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
For ILIVEINAZOO, are you aware you weren't invited to the barbecue today? You have no clue how these people are using you.
Rag man, I have no idea who had a bbq nor do I care. I do not know the identities of anyone on this site or yours with one exception a good friend who is visiting for the evening. Having some sangria, laughing at your chat and enjoying our grandchildren.
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
Teacher, I don't mean this to sound like a cop-out answer, but I am uncomfortable speculating on what actually happened. The story I wrote is 100 percent factually accurate. At this point I will leave it up to readers and law enforcement to speculate on what actually happened. As I noted in a comment underneath the story, there were two dots that needed to be connected to tie McDonald to the e-mail, and those dots weren't obvious. It was basically luck that I kept the first e-mail and remembered five days later after about a thousand new e-mails that the e-mail addresses matched the PayPal account. It just seems to me to be a stretch for somebody to have counted on that.
You want us to believe you received a thousand e-mails? This is a coordinated attack to keep Larry off the Finance Committee. I just hope the appointing authority can see through your bullshit.
#3 2010-05-16 20:51:19
iliveinazoo wrote:
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
FYI - I will be sitting down with Ana Miranda, business director for the Wareham School District, for a recorded one-on-one interview. I have a lot of questions about the school bus situation. It should be very interesting.
Maybe someone should warn Ana Miranda that BoBo will hear only what the voices in his head are saying and he will not print the truth. Too many people have said that they will not allow any interviews with BOBo because he isn't factual and then refuses to take responsibility for printing inaccurate information.
#4 2010-05-16 21:00:36
See below.
By: robertslager on 5/16/10
Mike, that's why this lady is a nutjob. Does she think I used telepathy to make someone send me an e-mail using Larry's e-mail address and then force Larry to sign up for this site? I usually don't like to report to name-calling, but this woman's an idiot. She flat-out makes things up.
Mind you fine people reading this website that this "man" reported a hacked e-mail to the police, this is the same "man" who claims 123 people kept a photocopier nickel embezzlement scheme that netted millions of dollars quiet until a year after the alleged ring leader passed away. Interestingly enough, depsit knowing the names of all 123 partners in this alleged crime, he only names the deceased one who can't sue him for defamation and I make thinks up? Who is the idiot here?
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