#1 2010-05-08 08:11:15
Secretly packed into the tin hats' moronic mayor proposal is a provision that would take civil service away from the police department, leaving politicians able to pick their own police chief rather than pick one who has risen through the civil service ranks.
Didn't this town give a resounding "NO" to that idea at last year's town meeting? Haven't we already decided this would jeopardize public safety? Doesn't everyone know the tin hats can't be trusted with such a power grab?
Get to town meeting. The tin hats didn't get their way, so now it's sour grapes and loud whines.
#2 2010-05-08 08:13:04
I am HAMATRON5000.
#3 2010-05-08 13:03:56
Is this a provision to remove the entire police force from civil service or just the chief's position?
#4 2010-05-08 13:31:03
All offices covered by civil service will no longer be covered, current employees will be excluded and continue to be covered....
https://warehamwater.cruelery.com/viewt … 395#p68395
Near the end of the thread.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#5 2010-05-08 14:25:18
If this happens I could see it also affecting police officers who seek promotions. For example a Sergeant retires, that position is now open and would normally have been filled by an officer selected from the civil service promotional list. But since civil service has been removed from the police department there would no longer be any civil service promotional exams. Any officers wishing to be promoted might have to give up their civil service status in order to rise in rank. I could be wrong but that seems like a very real possibility. If that does happen then officers will be faced with a choice. Either never advance in rank and keep their civil service protection, or advance in rank and become a non-civil service puppet constantly worried about losing their job because they stepped on the wrong toes.
#6 2010-05-08 14:27:05
the selectman board wants all civel service employees to be happey and let the old selectman screw with them as they have screwed with coutless other town employees who dont have these protections , how would you mr policeman like to be that man or women in muncipal maintence 9 truck driver) who was laid off last year and brought back on the first step and cut 5.00 per hr in pay and you knew your job , yet have the t a hire his freind at 25k more than the advertised salery for the job and not have a licence to do the ob. , man this fish head T A andrews head is rotting from the top .smelling pretty damm bad , get to town meeting and stop these rats in there tracks . list of dirty rats brocton brenda , jane the cript keeper donahue,, ta andrews.
#7 2010-05-08 15:53:04
Would this scheme remove ALL police officers from civil service?
If so, wouldn't that result in 11 politicians picking and choosing their own police force?
#8 2010-05-08 18:19:29
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-05-08 18:30:32)
#9 2010-05-08 22:12:33
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-05-08 22:13:41)