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- » muncipal mainrenance worker houtly pay cut 5.00 an hr by ta
#1 2010-05-06 07:19:34
a muncipal maintence worker who was laid off by sangunit and was brought back by the new t a recently had his hourly pay per hour cut 5.00 per hr as he was forced to be put on the first step of the pay grade for that job even though he has worked for wareham for over 10 years , this crap has to stop , yet we hire cronies of the new t a add over 25 k than what the job was advertised for and he does not have the qualifations for the job, rumor has it that the t a is bringing more of his fired freinds from lawrece to fill open jobs in wareham, i ask the new selectman to look at t a new hires and commitee appoiments . this is crap ., and has to stop.
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- » muncipal mainrenance worker houtly pay cut 5.00 an hr by ta