#1 2010-05-04 03:06:48
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#2 2010-05-04 08:30:40
The "kid" seems to be confused by the slim logic..
#3 2010-05-04 09:05:51
The poor kid was confused and out of place all night. Someone take him under their wing so he can relax and enjoy the history he is living...
#4 2010-05-04 09:29:36
I think he did alright. On the one article Claire recused herself from (forget which)..he was "thrown a curveball"...there was some confusion..but I think he handled it pretty well..just my opinion.
I think Claire did a great job..especially considering it was her first meeting. No Curly was a huge plus..but he did hop all over one of Claire's "mistakes"..I think she forgot to state one of the consent agenda items had passed by a majority. If you cut out Jane's "state of the union address"..and Dick Paulsen's..."interludes"..I think we could have gotten twice as much done. Funny..last fall's TM..the budget was article 1..it was voted on (and passed) inside of five minutes (before everyone was even seated..then it was on to Article 2 - Westfield)..this meeting we spent about an hour and a half on the budget..Good to have Bob, Bill & Geoff there to point out the "problems"...Jane tried to make it sound like evrything was just fantastic..best in years (because of her and the previous BoS, I'm sure)..Andrews was sputtering around for answers..in fact..I don't think he had too many of them.
Ed P and Bonnie Jean should take a "chill pill"
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-04 09:30:32)
#5 2010-05-04 10:35:33
When the "chair" was reading that State of the town address, she kept raising her papers, which had printing on the reverse side. Now that's a good thing; I run sheets of paper thru the copier to use the reverse side all the time.
BUT...were those sheets being flashed to the body, to the telly & to the interent POLIICAL??????
Sort of a Donahue subliminal message, as it were. They looked like campaign flyers of some sort to me. Failed campaign, that is.
You know he'll be back. Just like Jason in the hockey mask. or freddie Kreuger. Or Moriarity (sherlock Holmes).
Something to look FORWARD to. Yeah, right!
#6 2010-05-05 08:03:48
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