#1 2010-05-03 22:56:24
Was it just me, or did anyone else notice the same two things (at least) about the T/A...
It is 10:30 PM, and he still hasn't given a straight answer to any questions from 'the body'. and the meeting has adjourned.
He's a take-charge guy, loves the sound of his own speechifyin'. Helps him while he's duckin' & dodgin' any real questions.
Straight from the DOR website, the following is a list of certified Free Cash amounts for the town for FY2010 and 5 prior years. This number is certified by the DOR as of June 30 in each year. Thus, they certified the FY2010 amount as of June 30, 2009. Town Meeting can appropriate from Free Cash only AFTER the DOR has certified it. Since June 30, 2010, has not happened yet, there is no number certified for FY2011. kabish?
FY Amount
2010 715,588
2009 (462,952)
2008 106,215
2007 666,352
2006 1,351,828
2005 701,635
How do you send out info to the Town Meeting with math errors and poor page formatting? When you have Bob Brady, Mr Heaney, and Mr G. Swett all complaining about the clarity of the numbers/information, it ought to get someone's attention.
does all of this represent the great Move Forward we heard so much about? More like advancing to the rear.
#2 2010-05-03 23:00:34
#3 2010-05-03 23:11:37
Who wrote Schneiders motion? Sounded like a Curly move to me!
#4 2010-05-03 23:23:27
jeepers creepers that paulson sonded like a dumb ass , chinesse studies in high school worry about the budget , you sounded like a wind bag, boy do i long for the days of true leader ship that mr haney gave us. figures that dont add up , wording on the town meeting warrant that sounds like it was written by a third grader ,and watching the t a andrews talking out of his left ear was awfull ,throw these clowns out on there ass.
#5 2010-05-04 01:31:04
"Who wrote Schneiders motion? Sounded like a Curly move to me!"
The school bus inspection stuff is all the other side has going for them at the moment, so expect them to gnaw at it like a dog on a bone.
Personally, from a technical standpoint I thought Madame Moderator should have ruled Schneider's motion out of order after town counsel said making a policy issue out of the matter by turning the appropriation over to the Town Administrator to be doled out at his discretion - which was plainly the intent of Schneider's motion - would be a violation of state law. But from a purely political point of view, she definitely earned points for even-handedness by letting it go to a vote.
Last edited by Petethemeat (2010-05-04 01:40:28)
#6 2010-05-04 07:12:47
Since the state requires a certain amount of the town's budget to be spent on the schools, I believe such a motion would have had the effect of giving the schools free town administrated bussing plus the town would have had to pony up another 1.8 million to give to the schools to use on something else.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the geniuses of Move Wareham Backward.
#7 2010-05-04 09:12:40
Petethemeat wrote:
"Who wrote Schneiders motion? Sounded like a Curly move to me!"
Personally, from a technical standpoint I thought Madame Moderator should have ruled Schneider's motion out of order after town counsel said making a policy issue out of the matter by turning the appropriation over to the Town Administrator to be doled out at his discretion - which was plainly the intent of Schneider's motion - would be a violation of state law. But from a purely political point of view, she definitely earned points for even-handedness by letting it go to a vote.
Madam Moderator made the correct decision when she allowed the motion. Moderators can only advise the body that a motion is illegal. They can not prevent such a motion from being considered and passed.
#8 2010-05-04 09:51:12
Mr. Onset wrote:
Madam Moderator made the correct decision when she allowed the motion. Moderators can only advise the body that a motion is illegal. They can not prevent such a motion from being considered and passed.
Actually it was town counsel who stated that the motion was illegal. Roberts Rules of Order does declare illegal motions to be out of order: "47. Votes that are Null and Void even if Unanimous. No motion is in order that conflicts with the laws of the nation, or state, or with the assembly's constitution or by-laws, and if such a motion is adopted, even by a unanimous vote, it is null and void."
So if we have a moderator with the procedural power to stop motions that are out of order from going to a vote - which I don't think is in dispute,as that's been a long-standing practice by past moderators - then as a parliamentary point I don't see why the moderator couldn't have prevented the motion in question from going to the floor.
Last edited by Petethemeat (2010-05-04 09:53:48)
#9 2010-05-04 11:05:36
Town Meeting Time supercedes Robert's Rules of Order and from page 65:
"Since the moderator's authority is limited to ruling on procedural matters, the moderator does not have the power to rule on the legality of motions."
#10 2010-05-04 11:59:27
This is interesting stuff. I'll bet both P the M and Mr. O know Claire Smith , and I encourage you both to get into a conversation with her about this tricky one. It would be a good educational experience for "the body", perhaps, to revisit last night's surprise motion at the start of Round 2 tonight. It seems to me that if Counsel knew that the motion was illegal, he probably also knew that if it had passed that it would have been null and void. I find myself wishing he'd expressed that for the edification of all the folks out there like me who wish there was a black and yellow book at Borders titled, "Town Meeting and Roberts Rules of Order For Dummies" !
I have to add, and I know we are as one on this, that getting Claire Smith as our moderator is the best thing that has happened on this planet since the invention of duct tape.
#11 2010-05-04 12:27:25
Dick Wheeler wrote:
It seems to me that if Counsel knew that the motion was illegal, he probably also knew that if it had passed that it would have been null and void. I find myself wishing
I find myself wishing Richard Bowen and all his slimy pals at Kopelman and Paige would crawl back under their rock and stay there.
Can anyone explain why this lowlife is still Town Counsel?
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
Last edited by billw (2010-05-04 12:37:39)
#12 2010-05-04 13:41:44
Dick Wheeler wrote:
I find myself wishing he'd expressed that for the edification of all the folks out there like me who wish there was a black and yellow book at Borders titled, "Town Meeting and Roberts Rules of Order For Dummies" !
http://www.amazon.com/Roberts-Rules-Dum … 0764575740
The devil in the present case, of course, is in how Robert's and Town Meeting Time intersect, along with the issue of whether Town Meeting Time anticipates the presence of counsel immediately rendering an opinion as to legality, which in turn begs the question of whether it is the moderator who is really ruling the motion illegal.
My sense is that Mr. Onset may be correct in the most pure sense and that his course is the more prudent. But as a practical matter I can remember a time or two when a moderator may have stopped an article from going forward without a vote, albeit usually pertaining to zoning articles where it was obvious from the language of the article that an abutter plainly didn't receive the required notice of an impending change. What I can't recall is whether a motion to vote on the article had been advanced prior to the moderator killing it.
In any event, the fact we're quibbling over arcane technical details like this after last night's meeting - instead of once again expressing outrage at some major breach of the rules leading to trampled rights - certainly tells us that the voters absolutely made the right choice on April 6, 2010.
#13 2010-05-04 13:45:34
billw wrote:
Dick Wheeler wrote:
It seems to me that if Counsel knew that the motion was illegal, he probably also knew that if it had passed that it would have been null and void. I find myself wishing
I find myself wishing Richard Bowen and all his slimy pals at Kopelman and Paige would crawl back under their rock and stay there.
https://warehamwater.cruelery.com/sidep … nmeter.jpg
Can anyone explain why this lowlife is still Town Counsel?
Without commenting on the character of counsel or the effectiveness thereof, the answer is no one has thought to create a full-time town counsel position in town government.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#14 2010-05-04 15:55:40
To Petethemeat -
In my haste I forgot to say that I have read a number of your posts in the past and very much appreciate and enjoy your clear thinking. Regarding zoning articles - If the moderator is aware that mandatory conditions precedent have not been met (for example, no required public hearings), then she can rule the motion is not proper because this becomes a procedural issue. Again, see page 65 of Town Meeting Time for more details.
#15 2010-05-04 17:29:50
Thank you for the kind words, and I promise I'll look at Town Meeting Time soon.
#16 2010-05-04 23:04:10
It must be his sweet baby face His ruling to allow Bill W to take photos (with conditions) was a move to allign with the "good guys" and leave Bruce in the dust.
He is a scum bag - douche bag - in a three piece suit.
The TA and others left over from the Bruce years have "convused loyalty withdawal syndrome",
Last edited by mama bear (2010-05-04 23:14:57)
#17 2010-05-04 23:12:38
mama bear you are soooooo right. look forward to meating you again. see yousooon.
#18 2010-05-05 00:02:05
mama bear wrote:
It must be his sweet baby face His ruling to allow Bill W to take photos (with conditions) was a move to allign with the "good guys" and leave Bruce in the dust.
it's actually a mass general law.. bonnie should have been given a copy of it from the town clerk and sign off on it when she was appointed.. ohh yeah that's right at the CRC meeting the clerk had NO idea about the law and what it said..
#19 2010-05-05 00:15:02
LIZdaGNOME wrote:
ohh yeah that's right at the CRC meeting the clerk had NO idea about the law and what it said..
Ah yes, the Town Clerk telling the CRC members to sue me if "it was used in any way"..she was also the first one to say I couldn't record the meeting...but if I understood Ed Paciewicz right..it's ok if you're a lawyer..Love that "transparent" government.