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#1 2010-05-03 06:59:16
period almost up , i suugest it should not be renewed in light of his hireing of the building inspector and the horror stories comming out of lawrence.
#2 2010-05-03 08:46:18
I totally agree...from the hiring process that put him in place (14 open mtg law violations)..right up until he hired his buddy and political ally (Burke for 75K/year)..his "evaluation period" has shown that this was a poor hire. Lawrence is in terrible financial shape..and Andrews (and Burke) were front and center when that was him/them the door..Wareham needs a fresh start..there are other qualified people for these positions..Find them..
May 3, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-03 08:57:25)
#3 2010-05-03 08:52:08
P-Span, let us not forget that just last Tuesday he absolutely refused to answer the questions posed to him by one of our new selectmen regarding the purchase of the police cruisers. First he said that the town was part of the collaberative and had paid their dues and then he said the cruisers were purchased off the state bid list. Which is it?
He never answered her about the off contract items.
I also found his idea of replacing a few cruisers a year to be the height of arrogance. This town has always tried to do that, until the former Board got involved. This town also does not like to put itself into debt, which is exactly what this lease does.
I would have to agree, we need a strong TA who understands how the town works and takes the time to learn the history of it. We also need a TA who answers questions.
#4 2010-05-03 09:26:05
Here is confirmation of iliveinazoo's statement that Mr. Andrews did not answer Selectman Winslow's question. The following is a word for word transcription of the exchange:
Cara Winslow: “So let me just clarify this. It wasn’t part of a collaborative bid, it was purchased off the state bid list.”
Mr. Andrews: “We… we belong to that collaborative but that… they shoot up into… they drill up into… Ellen Bicklemen, who’s the state purchasing agent puts all of this stuff out for all the ah.. ah.. ah state offices… and…and… and provides that bid listing if you will… certified bid listing to cities and towns…. through the collaborative… and in this particular case we used the state certified bid listing…um…but as we were doing our research we do belong to and are a dues paying member of the collaborative.”
#5 2010-05-03 10:46:58
Andrews has his Irish Dancing shoes on...feet move so fast you can't see em'.
Last edited by danoconnell (2010-05-03 11:10:51)
#6 2010-05-03 11:44:32
Why Andrews didn't get TM approval FIRST for the cruisers - his words
#7 2010-05-03 11:51:14
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds the sum of Ninety-nine thousand two hundred twenty four dollars and no cents ($99,224.00) to pay for the first year of a three year lease for 8 police cruisers and 1 police SUV and to authorize the Town Administrator to expend such funds that are necessary for this action, or to do or act in any manner relative thereto.
Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Capital Planning Committee
May 3, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-05-03 11:51:28)
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