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#1 2010-04-28 16:00:32
Howdy all, long time no chat! I was just wondering if anybody else noticed this - when you go to the Move Wareham Forward webpage, it plays a song by the Black Eyed Peas titled "Where is the Love". You'll notice that there's a little music player in the window, directly below their very strongly worded copyright notice. In case they delete it, I've captured a screenshot - the copyright notice is highlighted by the red circle, music player in yellow.
They've uploaded not one, not two, but THREE copies of the song as an mp3 file to their website. Well, technically one is an m4a file and two are mp3s - looks like they ripped the song from a CD in itunes, then either converted it to mp3, or somehow (likely through a file-sharing network) acquired the mp3 directly and posted it for anybody to download. Again, in case they delete, screenshot is below. Infringing files are highlighted in red:
It might be possible that they just have no idea what they're doing, but either way this is a pretty blatant copyright violation. They're making a copyrighted song freely-available for anybody on the Internet to download, while having the hypocritical cojones to claim "All material on this site (CAS EDIT: refers to is subject to applicable copyright law. The unauthorized use, reuse, or duplication of any material on this site without express written permission is strictly prohibited." I've notified the appropriate authorities of this violation, and will let everybody know when I hear back.
-Cas, out.
#2 2010-04-28 16:23:15
Missed you cas...
#3 2010-04-28 17:01:07
But wait..maybe you haven't heard Cas...Ellen's a HERO in these parts. I'm sure Mikey and her would never do such a thing..To quote Jane, "It's only illegal if someone makes an issue out of it.."
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