#1 2010-04-26 20:20:51
Lifeguards are needed for our beaches. The town is not receiving enough applications to lifeguard on our beaches. If they can not hire enough guards to cover all the beaches, they will not hire any. Currently you have to be eighteen years of age to be a lifeguard, leaving my seventeen year old girl, who is recently a certified life guard, waiting until next year. There is an advantage of having a seventeen y/o as a guard, they are a year away fron college and can guard till the end of summer, and not have to leave early to go to college.
Congragulations on the election, a lot of hard work, from many caring people.
City of Wareham, now that is just plain wrong.
#2 2010-04-28 01:17:07
I was a lifeguard at 17. I was certified at the YMCA. Even 16 makes sense. My grandsons were Certified Scuba divers at 15. Maybe, the young people of Wareham have more sense than to work for the fickle system that hasn't had lifeguards for three years.
#3 2010-04-28 08:13:34
A lot of us would like to see you in a bikini mama bear!!
#4 2010-04-28 13:52:49
Behave Dan! But we could let her lifeguard the "eminent domain property."
I know that the YMCA has lifeguards on duty that are under 18 years old. Is this an age ruling by the town? When we had lifeguards, working through the recreation dept., the one's in college left us early and the younger ones took up the slack for a few weeks. I don't see anything wrong with hiring under age 18 lifeguards, they are old enough to join the military.
I would rather see one lifeguard on each beach if we are limited. One guard is better than NO guard.