#1 2010-04-23 07:07:53

Please, give it a rest. The school committee by statute is a completely autonomous board. The BOS has no control over them. Look it up, google MA Education Reform Act.

Mr. Cruz did the right thing. Allowing someone to be critical of those not present to defend themselves is wrong. This is a new day for Wareham. We don't do that sort of thing anymore. Go to the school committee.

Anyone else notice that the Courier is turning into Rag # 2?



#2 2010-04-23 09:30:07

iliveinazoo wrote:

Anyone else notice that the Courier is turning into Rag # 2?

That train left the station years ago.

I've wondered for just as long when their corporate betters, and the communities they serve, would get a clue.



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