#1 2010-04-09 09:38:04

We have heard the allegations many times. "Wareham is corrupt" and the BoS and the TA are working to expose the corruption.

Corruption is a serious word and here is a general definition:

Main Entry: cor·rup·tion
Pronunciation: \kə-ˈrəp-shən\
Function: noun

1 a : impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle : depravity b : decay, decomposition c : inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery) d : a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct

Indeed, in a recent posting on the Wareham Week site, resident Michael Jones posted this:
"If the IG finds the allegations are not true then I will be dismayed. Even without the investigation, as someone new to Wareham five years ago I concluded something wasn’t right after a few years. I don’t know if the authorities will charge anyone with crimes, but it is obvious Wareham has problems that can be called corruption."

Ok. So, we are looking for criminal acts when we look for corruption. Let's review the reasons for the computer audit:

"· GDF scope would consist of who is blogging on Town Hall computers to Whitehouse site.

· Who is using company time to be on the internet.

· Name search of selectman to see who is investigating them.

· Outside businesses being run on town computers.

· Double log vs. private log at police station.

· Who is performing Cori, DMV, outside searches of selectmen and Mr. Coleman."

Do any of these elements constitute corruption? I say no. Do we need to spend taxpayer dollars on this investigation when instead we should remind all employees that they were informed already that they would should only use town internet for town business? The town should install a system whereby employees can be checked to see if they are complying as is done in many businesses/towns. Seems like a simple solution to the computer use problem.

Now to the library embezzlement/money laundering/loan sharking/oh, you remember it...  The only person to make those allegations has offered no proof. BUT, the Inspector General's office is investigating the allegations. The allegations don't make sense but they have to do their jobs. Would this be corruption if proven true? Sure. But I can guarantee you that it is not true and the investigation will prove that. At least we are not paying taxpayer dollars for this. But keep in mind that this was a big secret until last fall, so who could have known of such allegations until they were fabricated?!

Bob Bliss paying the $35,000 to the former town administrator. Is that corruption? Nope. He was doing his job. But it cost us to fire this guy.

Don Bliss's case is almost finished and we have learned that the claims that were made against him were false. Looks like this will cost us big. Is this a case of corruption? Nope.


I hope Wareham will stop the witch hunts and get back on track. Corruption is a serious word to use when there is absolutely NO PROOF to back it up.

Last edited by Nora Bicki (2010-04-09 09:41:04)



#2 2010-04-09 09:52:08

Nora:  Well said.

Michael Jones is a highly intelligent and well educated man.  Since he moved to Onset, he has been very active on village and town committees.  It puzzles me how someone with his resume can buy into any of BoBo’s nonsense.  His background in math and economics should preclude his belief in the 3 million dollar library coin-machine heist.

It also amazes me that Professor Jones has researched and written often about how and why people evade their taxes, and yet he strongly supports our former selectman, Sweet Brucie, who is the king of tax evaders.

Finally, I am flabbergasted that someone with Dr. Jones’ high IQ actually believes that the systematic purge of town employees by the BOS is an attempt to root out hidden corruption.  I haven’t seen any tigers on Main Street, and if Dr Jones is concerned about corruption, he needs to identify the source.



#3 2010-04-09 11:14:04



Dr. Jones may be an intelligent man, but just because someone is very intelligent does not mean they possess common sense. Sometimes those big brain types over think matters and that overrides common sense.



#4 2010-04-09 12:20:40

I've been scratching my head about this guy , too, for all the reasons the Dan and gog8men  have stated so well.

He doesn't fit into any framework I've acquired through  a life of working with people, but he does, in fact, remind me of  a dog that I loved very much, but who I had to "put down".

Mephisto  loved everybody except for the people he bit.  There was no apparent pattern.  He'd  have long,  bite-free periods and then for no apparent reason he'd sink his teeth into someone he had been friendly with before.. Because he was nice 99.9% of the time he got away with his occasional calf puncturing far too long.  It helped, too, that he was a respected breed (Portugese Water Dog) and  had been formally educated at Joe's Dog Dog Training School (Advanced Class) . Looking back on it, he got  far too much mileage out of that diploma.

After his third or fourth bite we took him to the world renowned "dog shrink" at  Tufts Vet School.   Dr. Dodman brought in three student interns to observe him go through his paces.  The conclusion: "You don't have a bad dog in the sense that he's mean: you have a dog who bites people when he's afraid."

Trouble is...or was...  he didn't tell us (for $400 dollars) what Mephisto was afraid of, so we slipped back into denial for two more bites of people who were too forgiving, and then, finally, the light went on, and I said to Sandra, "Hey!...You know what? If we had a kid that was nice except when he stuck an ice pick into our friends we'd have taken action  long before the sixth stabbing!"

So Mephisto ended up in that place where all good doggies who bite six people go.

Now I'm not suggesting that we put  Mick Jones "down", but rather that he has displayed some behavior that is disturbing and which warrants our attention.

Mick, like Mephisto, is not "bad" most of the time.  I think he shares with Mephisto the hang-up of going after people when he's afraid.

We never figured out what made Mephisto afraid, but Dan nailed it when he opined that Mick seems to attack out of fear. ( Bruce Sauvageau, on the other hand, falls into the "bad dog" category. He bites everyone in sight, because that's what bad dogs do.)

Consider Mick's attack on Peter Baum. Peter is a highly educated scientist  whose thought processes display the exact opposite of the fuzzy logic Mick Jones employed in his rebuttal, and in more recent posts.  People who lack humility usually have a lot to be humble about, and I can't find anything in Mick's recent outbursts  that makes him an exception to that rule. 

I think it would be helpful if a few of us gave him an invitation to "have a pint at the local."   This electronic stuff makes it too easy for relationships to go permanently sour.



#5 2010-04-09 14:22:10

Dontcha' just love Dick Wheeler?



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