#1 2010-04-07 16:34:58




#2 2010-04-07 17:32:31

Somehow I doubt Cara or Steve are interested in anything he has to say. Cara's husband was at my neighbors this afternoon and we all sat down to have a beer on this beautiful afternoon. What I am sharing is what her husband had to say:
Cara was up at 4 am checking the internet to make sure she had won and it wasn't a dream. She was apparently quite surprised.
She was on the phone at 9 am talking to the TA.
Cara went to Town Hall with her daughter (the unofficial campaign manager) and visited every department.
She was on the phone with the CEDA Director.
Cara spoke with both Brenda and Jane, telling each of them she isn't interested in working against them, she wants to work together. Husband reports she felt they responded positively.
She received a call from John Cronin congratulating her and offering her any assistance.
Cara is the same person she was at 7:59 pm yesterday (and her hubby loves her more then he ever has - what a guy!)

I also heard Steve was at Town Hall, had spoken to Brenda and Jane amongst others and also hit the ground running.

I am thrilled that our new selectmen are energized, positive and ready to roll up their sleeves and work!



#3 2010-04-07 17:46:08

No surprise about either one of them.
These are very serious people that have been handed a very serious job.
They are both up to it.



#4 2010-04-07 17:47:57

I love how Bobo refers to himself in the third person like the Queen of England does. Or maybe the “we” refers to his multiple personalities. Him and Paul Shooter

  “If Holmes, Winslow and Smith can help unify this community they will have our blessing. Their actions over the next few weeks will be crucial. We suspect that our fears will not fade. We invite Holmes, Winslow and Smith to prove us wrong”

Oh I get it he thinks he's speaking for ALL of Wareham because he has his finger on the pulse of what the RESIDENTS are feeling.



#5 2010-04-07 19:19:46

Slager..................do the right thing, fade away you are toast here and no matter what you say really has no meaning.  Your bull shit and waking dreams mean nothing and without the backing of the Democratic Committee you are dead..............go get a bagel and smother it with cream cheese and drown you sorrows, you MEAN NOTHING TO WAREHAM EVER AGAIN !!!!!!!



#6 2010-04-07 19:24:04

Quahog, you've been silent for far too long!!..like I posted on another thread: MISERY LOVES COMPANY!!..Slager, Donahue, Brucey, Cronie will never be missed..



#7 2010-04-07 20:52:22

slager dont you get it any more you are irevelanant to warehams citzens  ,you are a nobody, we dont care what you have to say, bye  bye fat boy.



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