#1 2010-03-30 11:16:46

I see the ST is reporting that the town settled with Bliss for "more than $25,000"...oh the taxpayer dollars being wasted to get rid of people who don't strike Sweet Brucey's fancy. 

Here's a head scratcher - why do people who claim to be in the right settle at all?

Don't worry, Bobo will get to this story and the story about the towering inferno that consumed a large part of the town Sunday night just as soon as he is done making campaign pitchs for Sweet Brucey.



#2 2010-03-30 11:39:46

Hamatron5000 wrote:

I see the ST is reporting that the town settled with Bliss for "more than $25,000".

The story wasn't shovelled behind the pay wall... yet.

S-T: Fired Wareham town accountant settled for $25,000

Suppose the town's Finance Committee feels as bamboozled as the rest of us by these phantom payouts?



#3 2010-03-30 12:00:39

Couldn't read it in time..bummer



#4 2010-03-31 07:43:53

Let me get this straight. We pay $21,376 in back wages. $3,960 in reimbursed health fees, $7, 384 to Atty. Torres which totals $32,720.  Could someone please define "fiscal responsibility" for me again?

And the bottom line is the guy gets a retired in good standing rating so he can get his retirement health benefits through the town which is also tax dollars.  What did the town win again??  Just like the library litigation, the costs of litigation don't matter to this BoS.

VOTE April 6....PLEASE!!!!!



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