#1 2010-03-27 18:13:40

Hard to believe that the computer audit began last Memorial Day!!!  I just thought I'd remind you all of how "transparent" our BoS have been on this issue.

You have all read Steve Curry's letter to the editor and Steve DeCosta's article. We now know that an administrative subpoena (Brucie stated this) was issued by the DA and the disks were taken almost immediately from the forensic team. So the BoS KNEW all along about the disks being taken. Now we have more lies about getting them back!!!!

In the ST: "But the DA's office said Wednesday that neither the town's counsel nor police chief have picked up the disks as requested.

"Our attorney has them," selectmen Chairman Bruce Sauvageau said in response to a question about the disks from a colleague Tuesday night.

"They have not yet picked up the disks," Bridget Norton Middleton, spokeswoman for Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz, said Wednesday. "We've been in contact with them, but no one has come to pick up the disks."

"The disks have been available to them since January," Middleton said. "If they wanted to get them, they knew how to get them."

PRETTY CLEAR, right? Well, I just thought you might like to re-read what the tacky tabloid writer wrote about the computer audit way back when. I do think a bit of duping went on. Looks like the BoS have been telling lies for a year on this audit and the tacky tabloid writer believed them lock stock and barrel.  Here's.......Bobo

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
On a different note, I do think the selectmen need to start releasing more information about the audit soon. I understand why they would want to be thorough and protect the town legally as much as possible, but their relative silence is allowing the opposing to fill the void with all sorts of ridiculous claims.

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
I asked Sauvageau about that last week when I called him for comment on the library trustee story. The selectmen might release the audit reports in stages because of the tremendous amount of information now being reviewed.

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
He wouldn't say much more than that. It's a little frustrating for me as a reporter. I would like more specific information, but I do understand the scope of this audit and the ramifications it will most certainly have. Selectmen are obviously being very cautious to make sure their report is air-tight with specific evidence.

By: robertslager on 6/28/09
I don't think the DA is involved yet because not all the information has been released yet. This audit is just one step in what will certainly be a far bigger investigation.

By: robertslager on 7/26/09
I will say I am troubled that the results of the audit are taking this long. I've been told it's because K&P is going through the results with a fine-tooth comb.

By: robertslager on 7/26/09
I was told, off the record, that the audit will result in "life-changing" repercussions for many people. That's all I can say about it right now.

LIFE CHANGING: Can you guess whose lives will be changed now that the lies have been revealed??



#2 2010-03-27 19:18:22

The Halifax Hack wrote:

It's a little frustrating for me as a reporter...

You're right Nora..It's an OUTRAGE!! How dare Bobo claim to be a "reporter"..all REAL reporter's should be offended & stage a revolt!!

April 6, 2010



#3 2010-03-27 20:05:38




#4 2010-03-27 21:17:44

If there is any doubt this man (and I use the term loosely) is a liar, just read what Nora wrote. There are other lies and they will exposed in time. What makes this even more sad is that people still believe him despite the overwhelming evidence.



#5 2010-03-28 09:10:09

Remember that earlier this week, Bobo and Brucey were screaming that the DA had "just returned" the discs and the poor selectmen wouldn't have enough time before the election to go over them. 

But what did we hear from the Standard Times?  A quote from Bridget Norton Middleton of the DA's office, saying that the selectmen could have picked the discs up in JANUARY and were aware that they could have done so.

You've got Bobo and the BOS ranting and raving that the discs contain tales of untold evil and yet, we find out that in an election year, the BOS allowed the discs to sit at the DA's office.

Sweet Brucey could have been going over the discs for three months, but instead he went to Mexico for two months.

A whole lot of egg all over the faces of these clowns.  They obviously know that the discs contain nothing and were hoping that people would not find out that they flushed thousands of dollars down the toilet.

All I know is that if I had a bunch of discs that I thought would make Bobo and the incumbents look bad, I wouldn't go to Mexico and let them sit around.  I'd pick them up right away and comb over them.

Ham of Peace

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-03-28 09:12:21)



#6 2010-03-28 09:17:08

Standard Times wrote:
"They have not yet picked up the disks," Bridget Norton Middleton, spokeswoman for Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz, said Wednesday. "We've been in contact with them, but no one has come to pick up the disks."

"The disks have been available to them since January," Middleton said. "If they wanted to get them, they knew how to get them."

Contacted Wednesday afternoon, Sauvageau first asked the reporter, "Why are you harassing me?" When advised of the reason for the call, Sauvageau responded, "I don't know what the discrepancy is. Last call. No more," he said before hanging up.



#7 2010-03-28 13:40:30

So when a REAL reporter asks a question, it's harassment according to the chair of our BoS. That's pathetic in my opinion.

I think if any of our BoS are asked questions by REAL reporters, they should answer. It's called TRANSPARENCY!!!!

Of course, if you have a local tacky tabloid writer in your back pocket, you don't need the REAL newspapers to report on your own "version" of the truth!!!!!  Keep that fine-tooth comb handy! LOL



#8 2010-03-28 14:36:26

Larry McDonald wrote:

If there is any doubt this man (and I use the term loosely) is a liar, just read what Nora wrote. There are other lies and they will exposed in time. What makes this even more sad is that people still believe him despite the overwhelming evidence.

I agree, it is very sad. Someone is proven a liar to me once, and I always doubt that person.

Now if I was a member of the tin foil hat club, during tonight's chat, I'd ask the "leader" of the pack why he wrote all those lies to THEM about the computer audit. After all, the above quotes from the tacky tabloid writer came from the tin foil hat blog--lies to his own devotees.

But blind allegiance will mean that instead, they will say something nasty about me/us instead of asking the tough questions!!!

As to the other lies???? Wait until the IG is finished investigating the library groups. It shouldn't be long now. The truth will be forthcoming and the tabloid lies will be revealed!!!



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