#1 2010-03-18 19:28:57

Sorry to miss this posting last night, family business took over.

Now, later in 1775, after the bunker Hill affair in June, the malcontents assembled in great numbers in Cambridgeport, across the charles river from Boston. they were disorganized, poorly equipped, poorly trained and lacked leadership. The solution? call on that malcontent from Virginia (that's a southern state, for any idiot tin-foil hat types), none other than G. Washington himself.

One look, and he knew that he needed a miracle. And, one landed in his lap!

Out west, a force including Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain boys (malcontents, every one), along with a force led by Benedict Arnold (yes, THAT Benedict Arnold, well before the turncoat West Point business) had captured TWO forts from the British, including fort Ticonderoga. Washington quickly dispatched one of his most trusted officers to get the stuff that had been captured and bring it to Cambridge.

that officer was Henry Knox, a true hero of the Revolution....and a malcontent. Knox and his crew moved 60 ton of cannons and other stuff to Cambridge in less that two months. (note, the Mass Turnpike was not open for business at that time). using oxen dragging sleds in the middle of winter, he moved material down the Hudson Valley over the Berkshires & the Worcester hills, and across many rivers. Washington had his miracle.

Washington was able to get the cannon up onto dorchester Heights under the cover of night. (Dorchester heights? over there in South Boston, right behind my grandmother's old house, ya can't miss it) Now, Washington's guns controlled the harbor. the British loaded their soldiers, sailors, and local administrators onto the ships and "evacuated" Boston. Hence, the holiday on March 17 in suffolk county (Boston), known as "Evacuation Day". There were some others on those ships: tories, most never to return. I suppose that they were the 'new' malcontents, eh?

Henry Knox. If you drive out thru the small Towns west of Springfield, you can't miss the name of henry Knox. There are streets, roads, highways and squares in those Towns bearing  his name. Henry Knox was the first Secretary of war (now Defense) for the United States, in the cabinet of the new president, George Washington. Henry Knox  -  a true American hero....and a malcontent, of course. But what would we be today without him and his phenomenal feat?

Tomorrow: malcontent week wrap-up



#2 2010-03-18 19:51:31

"The Nobel Train of Artillery"

April 6, 2010



#3 2010-03-18 21:26:06

Thanks P-Span

Perfect, as always.



#4 2010-03-18 21:29:22

Isn't it great to read real history, explained by an intellect?
Thanks, nota...the historical revisionists will revile you!



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