#1 2010-02-26 12:29:51

I just finished reading “Emotional Vampires: Dealing with people who drain you dry” This book teaches you how to protect yourself from people who “emotionally and materially drain you for their own gain.”

“They are especially dangerous because their self absorption prevents them from seeing that they are harming others and even makes them think they are helping others”

“These personalities need constant chaos and drama in their lives. They get an adrenaline rush from the chaos they create. Some people love drama so much that they will stop at nothing to get a reaction! They will do their best to stir up trouble with whoever they can and whenever they can. They disregard the consequences and don’t care about who they involve or hurt” 

“You will never be able to change these vampires or make them understand why they are wrong, or that they are wrong or at fault for anything that they do or say. If you engage such a narcissistic personality he is never going to change or admit that he is wrong.

“The only way to deal with this type of personality is to cut them out of your life entirely because they feed off of you and your arguments.”

Sound like anyone we know? Someone posted a while ago that we are fuel for his fire if we don’t acknowledge him or anything he prints the fire will go out. He is like a vampire he feeds on all of the attention we give him. So personally I am once again going to try to ignore him and not acknowledge anything he says. I know it will be difficult but I have to keep telling myself that only a handful of people read his website and fewer and fewer people are reading his paper.



#2 2010-02-26 12:53:34

Hear, Hear, Marny!!



#3 2010-02-26 14:19:43

One thing I have noticed after a five month absence is that there is too much talk about him. There are so many issues going on, did they ever close the books? How is the new TA working out? Did the new Town Accountant go to school? Where is the new Library Director? How much are we spending on legal bills so far? What happened to Bob Bliss? What happened to Don Bliss? What happened to the Building Inspector? How is a part time Police Chief working? Is he doing a good job? What about the new CEDA fellow? Should I continue? I miss the discussions about the issues. Forget about what is printed in a rag, this is our community. He doesn't live here. I like what other posters have been saying, focus on the issues.

The vampire personality seems to be fitting for a number of elected officials and one rag writer!



#4 2010-03-01 11:20:06

The only reason I've posted is to bring this up again for people to read, including those people on "The Dark Side" who are essentially exploiting, for personal gain, a person with a known type of incurable personality disorder.

Incurable.  Nothing we do as individuals or as a group will change this person.
Any attempt to pursue him will make you look like a cat that is chasing the  radomly moving red dot of a laser pointer.



#5 2010-03-01 16:17:40

iliveinazoo wrote:

How much are we spending on legal bills so far? What happened to Bob Bliss? What happened to Don Bliss?

I heard Bob Bliss recently settled..and I hear the Lt. Don Bliss case (still "pending") has cost (us) about 30K in legal costs, so far.

April 6, 2010



#6 2010-03-01 17:25:21

But slager calls the money spent on the computer audit chump change. Tell that to the municipal maintenance workers that were laid off. That money could have helped to save their jobs. Tell it to the town hall employees that were on furlough Fridays when the audit was done. See if they think it was a small amount. And to find out what? To see who was blogging about sweet brucey? Is his ego that fragile that he can't take any criticism?



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