#1 2010-02-20 18:17:07


April 6, 2010



#2 2010-02-20 18:32:58




#3 2010-02-20 19:09:53

Listening to Bruce again showed me his "bully" tactics.  He is loud in his question to Bill and would not let him tell his side of the story.  When a person tries to reply to something and is not allowed to, in this case because Bruce kept on talking in his stern, lord and master voice, Bill was bullied.  A bully is someone who usually picks on a weaker person.  In this case, Bill was "weaker" only because the threat of calling the police is how this BOS reacts to questions.  I believe if the chairs were the other way, Bill would have won the battle with words and maybe rec'd an answer to his question.  Bill, duct tape comes in many colors and I have plenty to spare - put it over Bruce's mouth!



#4 2010-02-20 19:30:16

Note too that Bill asked Sweet Brucey about his whopping $181,000 tax debt and he dodged the question. 

A person who works hard to pay his taxes only to turn around and vote for a guy that dodges his taxes but still has money for a two month Mexico trip is a chump.

I guess Brucey is hoping that Wareham voters will be chumps this year.  He shouldn't count on it.



#5 2010-02-22 01:16:57

Here's a more detailed account of my introduction to Sweet Brucie at Château Sauvageau on 2007-06-02.

Open Bottle Law



#6 2010-02-22 09:03:52

Bill, thanks for filling in the gaps. What I "find irritating" (and far too accepted) about the video and Sweet Brucey in general, is his using the BoS meeting as his own public "Bully Pulpit" to verbally attack, and sling accusation's at a citizen (you), who is there asking a question(s) that other citizen's might want to hear the answer(s) to (I still don't know the answer to your question)..He instead asked you what your name was (you had already been asked to state it, and you complied)..he then asked you if you had been to his house (hello, Sweet Brucey..don't you know the answer to that question?)...He was rude, obnoxious, aggressive, abusive, and accusatory..and the rest of the Board went into (the often used).."sit quietly and let the DB say his piece..we all know he won't shut up anyway..so it's best just to hear him out..and eventually he'll just wind it down" mode..and you wonder why we call him "Sweet Brucey"...VOTE HIS ASS OUT!

April 6, 2010



#7 2010-02-22 11:12:16

Plus...he's a punk.



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