#1 2010-02-17 10:42:41
Breaking news! (que the music Hamm)
This reporter, who may or may not be Larry, has received a Rip Tip.
Those that provide Rip Tips are automatically entered in the monthly drawing for a free life size cut out of a certain selectmen, complete with a Dunkin Donuts coffee mug and an attached voicebox that says "uhmmm" repeatedly.
The latest Rip Tip was that a certain P/T police chief attended a meeting at the home of two elected officials. The names of the other attendees were not available at this time.
I have started my campaign to be the "person of the year" for the Elks. Based on my investigative reporting, results on predictions, and ability to juggle 3 bagels with cream cheese, I should be a landslide winner in the coming year!
#2 2010-02-17 18:02:05
Another open mtg violation? Very Interesting the pt chief would attend such a mtg?
#3 2010-02-17 18:43:32
Well, unless I am wrong, there would have to be two other specific elected officials for it to be considered an open meeting violation. That is, if one of those who were in attendance is in fact not on the BOS, which I am guessing he is not since the pt chief was at "THE HOME of two elected officials".
Still curious what he would be doing there. Just some cookies and milk perhaps?
#4 2010-02-19 06:58:10
Just a thought: two elected officials could be mr and ms moderator!
#5 2010-02-19 07:06:12
If he was at the Moderators', he was most likely told that his force is full of racists..they have never been shy about publicly stating this!!..they both should be ashamed of themselves for smearing our officers like this..