#1 2010-02-14 11:47:49

Why should people vote against this crazy tin hatter??? Just read a few of the earliest posts ever on this site..If it wasn't for Angel_Joe, you'd be the craziest of the bunch over there..Keep your crazy hidden in that Loonfest, Lynne.

warehamprophetess wrote:

You tell me to play nice.....is it playing nice calling people imposters, liars, thieves in sheep's clothing?  The Lord Jesus is taking back his kingdom.  Hence my name....if any of you claim to be followers of the Lord Jesus, you are to stop with your recall and accept the Godly appointments.  Any of you can choose to ridicule me, but remember I am speaking for the Lord, I would suggest fervent prayer before you do so or the Lord may take His lovely, wonderful, healing hands off you as he has a former selectwoman and some others too.  This recall is initiated by the devil, he will not prevail.  The Lord is cleaning up town departments one at a time.  His words are "you are either on board or off", a direct quote from God, quoting him is something I do not and will not take lightly, it could cost me eternity and I will be judged by Him more harshly than any of you.  Back to liars, put up your real name, if what you feel is true, you will not be sued.  Is it legal to start a sight with another's name (Wareham Observer)??  Is that why you are concerned about a lawsuit?  Because you are misrepresenting yourself (a lie by the way if you are).  Who is the liar and thief now?  This sounds like the old politics, to lie to get your way or deliver your message.

warehamprophetess wrote:

No, It's the Lord God Jesus, and very sane, not a member of any committee except God's.  He's the one I answer to, who do you answer to?

warehamprophetess wrote:

For starters, we all come from "on high" as God created us.  He controls and made the lightening.  Your using the word "pretend" shows that you lack a prayer life as if you did pray about this before you responded the first time (in a way that certainly wasn't "playing nice", as a matter of fact you tripped up your words to disguise a swear,  God certainly does not like that, that was of Satan) He would have told you I am authentic.  I did not choose to come to Wareham, He brought me here.  I did not choose the position He put me in, He did.  If you want to see how authentic I am, come to Revival this Saturday after 6 pm.  If you don't see for yourself that evening then let me know and I'll pray for you more fervently than I already am.  Now I know some very holy Catholics who love the Lord dearly, I am guessing you are one who shows up on Easter and Christmas......take a good look at your relationship with Him and pray, then come back and respond.  If you are worthy, He will show you the truth.  If you lack the knowledge, read the Truth (Bible).

God does not misrepresent Himself.  He does not  cheat or lie, as a matter of fact, God in the flesh was killed by those who did.  He does not condone buying another's website and putting out false information on it.  He does not appreciate those who make fun of those He created and put in place (as in our present leaders).  He does not like that the present owner will not assume identity, and He knows she or they do not do because they know what they did was illegal, that was first post news, He expects us to follow the laws not break them.  It appears that these laws have been broken by those who are supposed to be enforcing them. 
1 Timothy 1-5 NIV:  1"Here is a trustworthy saying:  If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. 2Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife (also means he is not adulterer), temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)."  In this case, the church is Wareham.  He removed those who couldn't manage from the BOS.  He is in the process of clearing out the library, soon He will expose and prove the money laundering that has been going on and He will expose those who are responsible, those who lie about it and get in the way of the Truth will be removed too.  And as we have seen lately, he is just starting with a very corrupt police force.  Those who are corrupt are in the process of sinking their own ship.  Those who refuse to go down with the boat will be rewarded.  All this will be revealed in the coming months.  Those town employees that have been having fun on residents' money instead of working like they are supposed to be, will be exposed.  Consider this a warning to repent and make things right, that is the only way you will hold onto your positions.  If the water department ever does what they did to the water last summer, the Lord will remove them too.  I know this to be true for several reasons.  1-The Lord told me one day when I was driving up to get some bottled water.  2-The director of the department was telling people it was fine to drink the water that he had been drinking it himself the whole time the ban was on.  3-The tests performed by the state came up negative (months later it was revealed).  4-Testing was done from improper locations by the department.....water testing 101??Looks like they were pretty upset about what they received for money at the town meeting and therefore decided to get back at the people.  Thanks for showing us your true colors.   When all I have mentioned comes to be perhaps then you will see how authentic I am.  He told me He was removing the TM and He did.  You will see.  He will soon expose the true reasoning behind the proposed recall election.  God will prevail.  He revealed his son Jesus was the true Messiah after His death on the cross, He raised Him from the dead.  He said He would do the things I've mentioned and He will.  If you deny the truth then, I will certainly have to pray harder for those who do not believe.   Hopefully, this will show you as I'd hate to see what He would do to prove it.....and I have seen Him take His hand of people and His church to get His point across, it's not pretty.

I expect the mockery and persecution.  It was done to Jesus and the Bible promises that to follow him truthfully will cost us.  Although the eternal reward is fantastic beyond belief, life here will not be easy.  If it is, you are not doing it His way.



April 6, 2010

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#2 2010-02-14 13:06:28

i as a mom do not want this person anywhere in the public schools systems near kids!!! just my 2 cents!!



#3 2010-02-14 13:37:56

Here is the irony: If Jesus Christ came back to life and ran for the School Board, this "lady" would not and could not support Him. Why?
He's a Jew.



#4 2010-02-14 15:52:30

I speak to God all the time.  I have never recieved answers like those above.  Yes, I feel he has guided me but I never heard him say "turn left here", it was the GPS.  All kidding aside, I am a believer.  But I don't believe in the above writer's "crap".   She isn't very Christian-like with her hidden accusations.  I wish I knew who this was so I could avoid her at all costs.   And, is she really from Wareham?



#5 2010-02-14 16:35:02

is this one of the 2 women running for school commitee?



#6 2010-02-14 17:28:10


Yes, School Committee..here's a link to the website for last year, when she ran and was defeated. Whew, dodged a bullet, time to do it again...

In my opinion, based on what I've read and watched (BoS Mtg's, TM's)..she's a "Brenda Buddy"...she's definitely "a little off"..and the idea that she would influence, in any way, the direction of such an important responsibility as our children's education is unthinkable. She's a rabid Bobo the Assclown supporter, as well as the current administration...and Lynne, don't tell me how I should choose to "show my faith"..your ranting's and ravings are nothing short of ridiculous, and reminiscent of cult-like rhetoric. Thankfully your so over the top, you're easier to spot than your "run o' the mill" loon..So, thanks for that..A vote against you..or the current administration is not a vote against Jesus, or God..It's a vote against incumbents who have proven their ineptitude, and a crazy person (IMO)

One of God's precious creatures

April 6, 2010

Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-02-14 17:53:59)



#7 2010-02-14 19:34:52

I do believe that God has a plan for each of us. I don't believe we should criticize anyone based on their religious beliefs. I do take offense to some of the comparisons this person uses. The Gospel is certainly open to interpretation. If it wasn't, the hours my father spent preparing his weekly Homily would have been spent doing something else! Base all your comparisons in truth and knowledge, not in rumors or lies.

If I could say one thing to Lynne, I would quote Saint Matthew (7,1)
"Judge not, that ye be not judged"



#8 2010-02-14 22:41:38

Lynne Burroughs is wareham prophtes. Vote against this nut



#9 2010-02-15 00:09:06


Wow! What a nut job she is. She fits in well with the Slager crowd.



#10 2010-02-15 07:57:30

That wacko nutcase witch has no business being in any position that involves children.  Wareham will reject her just as it did in last year's election, no one wants a nut on the school committee.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-02-15 07:58:16)



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