#1 2010-02-11 23:20:49

Selectman John Cronan, serving as chairman while Bruce Sauvageau remains hospitalized with an infection following recent foot surgery, read word-for-word two lengthy letters from Assistant District Attorney Mary Lee. The letters stemmed from claims that selectmen violated Open Meeting Law during the computer audit last summer as well as during the search for a new town administrator.

Did you send him flowers bobo?

    Following the meeting, Cronan told the Observer that the board had "acknowledged" the letters by reading them in public session. When asked why the board has failed to apologize for the violations as previous boards had done in the past, Cronan said all the board needed to do was "acknowledge" the letter.

Gee thanks for acknowledging it



#2 2010-02-11 23:21:49

Donahue acknowledged that the board may have made some procedural errors during the search for a new town administrator.
    "We’re unpaid volunteers," she said. "We got caught in a web of technicalities. Yes, it’s a violation of the Open Meeting Law, technically. There are a lot of technicalities and of which we need to be more aware. I don’t know if the DA is targeting us. I don’t know if we’re being hit harder than anyone else. It certainly seems that way sometimes."

Is that what you said when the other bos members did one violation? We unpaid volunteers?



#3 2010-02-11 23:23:11

order to protect the civil rights of those being investigated. Sauvageau also said he wanted the board to challenge a number of the alleged Open Meeting Law violations in court.

More money well spent



#4 2010-02-11 23:24:03

"You dirty rats, I don't apologize to no one or for nothin",says James Cagney Cronan..



#5 2010-02-11 23:59:18

See what happens when you put someone in office that is a wanna be lawyer?
Either wants to sue or be sued. Thinks it's good practice to talk to the real lawyers and impress them with his knowledge. They all acknowledge what he says, bob their heads up and down like those little dogs in the back windows of cars, and then as soon as he leaves, laugh their asses off over how stupid he is.
But...they'll kiss his ass. He puts money in their pockets. As soon as he stops putting money in their pockets, they will be gone and have a good laugh about the last few years and how much money they made placating a pseudo-intellectual wanna be lawyer.
I think the infection in the foot started in the brain, long before a Mexico trip.
What a clown.
Get him gone and all of the other idiots around him.



#6 2010-02-12 00:36:07

Hi...I'm running for re-election as your Selectman. I am unpaid and a volunteer and a dumbass, so there isn't any reason not to elect me, because you know what you are getting.
An unpaid dumbass.
Thank you for your support.



#7 2010-02-12 01:00:26

danoconnell wrote:

See what happens when you put someone in office that is a wanna be lawyer?
Either wants to sue or be sued. Thinks it's good practice to talk to the real lawyers and impress them with his knowledge. They all acknowledge what he says, bob their heads up and down like those little dogs in the back windows of cars, and then as soon as he leaves, laugh their asses off over how stupid he is.
But...they'll kiss his ass. He puts money in their pockets. As soon as he stops putting money in their pockets, they will be gone and have a good laugh about the last few years and how much money they made placating a pseudo-intellectual wanna be lawyer.
I think the infection in the foot started in the brain, long before a Mexico trip.
What a clown.
Get him gone and all of the other idiots around him.

I am DanOhamatron5000!!

April 6, 2010



#8 2010-02-12 08:08:44

I like that P-Span....DANOHAMATRON5000....cool!



#9 2010-02-12 12:12:36

Great editorial in the ST today. It makes you realize that there is such a huge lack of the often-touted "transparency" in our BoS.

"Tuesday was the board's time to make amends, in word if not deed, by admitting to Wareham residents that the meetings did not comply with the Open Meeting Law and pledging not to make the same mistake again.

In fact, one of the conditions set by the district attorney regarding hiring was that the board "announce publicly in open session that it will not conduct such screening and interview processes in this manner in the future," but the board did nothing of the kind.

Selectman Brenda Eckstrom went so far as to attempt to diminish the violations by repeatedly calling them technicalities. "Yes, it's a violation of the Open Meeting Law, technically," she said. Hiring a new CEO in secret is a technicality? The assertion is laughable.

Further, she seemed to argue that the end justified the means, saying, "The bottom line is we got a great town administrator and we don't have to (conduct the search) again."

On the contrary, the bottom line is Wareham selectmen continue to thumb their noses at the public's right to know what their government is doing.

Until they meet the district attorney's conditions, the matter is not closed. Cruz and his staff should hold the selectmen to every letter of those conditions and contemplate further action if the board does not comply."



#10 2010-02-12 12:28:52

Selectman Brenda Eckstrom went so far as to attempt to diminish the violations by repeatedly calling them technicalities. "Yes, it's a violation of the Open Meeting Law, technically," she said. Hiring a new CEO in secret is a technicality? The assertion is laughable.

Further, she seemed to argue that the end justified the means, saying, "The bottom line is we got a great town administrator and we don't have to (conduct the search) again."

TRANSLATION: The bottom line is we got an unemployable Town Administrator at a cut rate..He will become our new butt-monkey!!

Did I hear someone say RECALL??



#11 2010-02-12 13:28:33

It is almost laughable to listen to Brockton Brenda. Remember, if you will, just how she crucified a previous board of selectmen for not 14 not 13 not 12 ( you get the picture) but 1 yes 1 violation of the open meeting law! Remember too if you will, when this board first settled into their new roles and they violated the open meeting law. It was Brockton Brenda that apologized to the DA and to the town for the "inadvertent" violation of the open meeting law, and she assured the town it will never happen again. Well I guess by now we all know the hypocrite that she is!!



#12 2010-02-12 15:30:13

I don't think it's hypocrisy.  It's ignorance.  I will bet the farm that none of them have still read MGL CH. 39 Section 23B.  It IS the law that governs open meetings.
This is exactly why municipalities pay 6 figures for QUALIFIED managers.
We can't seem to get that right either.  Nothing personal against Mr. Andrews but I don't see any municipal management experience and no experience with MGL relative to managing municipal operations.
MORE LEGAL EXPENSES because no one knows their jobs.  Talk about accountability...K & P thanks you all very much.  We can't do anything without them.
Still no Planner (going on two years), no library director, an unqualified accountant, a COA director that has caused just about every volunteer to quick due to her lack of people skills. And on and on.  IT HAS TO END !

C'mon April 6th !



#13 2010-02-12 16:16:45




#14 2010-02-12 16:29:56

Note To the Standard-Times: Your pay-per-view policy is self defeating. Expect your enterprise to turn toes up and die.

Standard-Times, 2010-02-12

Hold them to it
Wareham has not complied with DA's conditions

Most selectmen, if they were found guilty of 16 Open Meeting Law violations in a single year and compelled by the district attorney to read the findings aloud, would add some sort of apology, or say it was an accident, for political reasons if nothing else.

Not in Wareham.

The Board of Selectmen's acknowledgment of the findings at Tuesday's
meeting was reluctant at best. Some members' actions reveal a troubling disdain for the principles of open government embodied in the Open Meeting Law.

Acting Chairman John Cronan read two letters from the office of District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz. Though Cronan said in the briefest possible fashion that town counsel had answered the letters, that was it — no apology, no explanation, no defense.

The unlawfully closed-door meetings involved the hiring of a new town administrator — essentially the town's CEO — and the launch of a covert search of town computers.

The latter was an outrageous breach of public trust passed off as an"audit" of all non-school computers owned by the town.

In reality, members of the board were trying to ferret out employees who posted negative comments about them online — not because the employees were making personal use of town computers, but to identify political enemies. In one of the illicit meetings, a selectman called a pair of employees the"two biggest rats that work for the town."

If the selectmen had legitimate aims, they could have discussed computer use at a public meeting. Surely residents would have appreciated a good-faith effort to stop employees from wasting time surfing the Internet. But that wasn't the selectmen's goal.

Even if the audit were legitimate, it would not have been a legitimate reason to go into closed-door session. The exceptions to the state's Open Meeting Law are specific, and the law itself was designed specifically to prevent the type of secret government the Wareham selectmen have been practicing.

Tuesday was the board's time to make amends, in word if not deed, by admitting to Wareham residents that the meetings did not comply with the Open Meeting Law and pledging not to make the same mistake again.

In fact, one of the conditions set by the district attorney regarding hiring was that the board"announce publicly in open session that it will not conduct such screening and interview processes in this manner in the future,"but the board did nothing of the kind.

Selectman Brenda Eckstrom went so far as to attempt to diminish the violations by repeatedly calling them technicalities. "Yes, it's a violation of the Open Meeting Law, technically," she said. Hiring a new CEO in secret is a technicality? The assertion is laughable.

Further, she seemed to argue that the end justified the means, saying, "The bottom line is we got a great town administrator and we don't have to (conduct the search) again." On the contrary, the bottom line is Wareham selectmen continue to thumb their noses at the public's right to know what their government is doing.

Until they meet the district attorney's conditions, the matter is not closed. Cruz and his staff should hold the selectmen to every letter of those conditions and contemplate further action if the board does not comply.

Last edited by old timer (2010-02-12 16:31:22)



#15 2010-02-12 17:11:29

That really says it all right there. Thanks old timer for putting it here.

April 6, 2010



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