#1 2010-02-08 17:29:32

From the Courier's Facebook Page:

"Wareham Courier Editor David Smith took second place for Editorial Writing at the New England Newspaper and Press Association's annual awards dinner Saturday night. His citation says his entries "show knowledge of controversial issues faced by the community. The author seems to have done considerable research and addresses his topics from a variety of angles..." Congratulations, David!"

Let's add our congratulations to David for his journalistic integrity!



#2 2010-02-08 18:12:20

Yes, congratulations to David Smith.

It does seem that he is trying to navigate difficult waters while keeping integrity and balance.



#3 2010-02-08 18:23:17

Congratulations to David Smith!



#4 2010-02-08 18:39:46

but then, there is that infernal mouse, dashing along the baseboard, spreading the pestilent bacilli that vermin everywhere are known to do. to paraphrase Sweet Brucie: "DO YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN ???"

Let's compare journalistic enterprises for a moment, say the National Enquirer vs. the local rag.

1. the Enquirer spent two years investigating John Edwards, with fresh headlines over the past few days. As a result, the former Vice-Presidential candidate has all kinds of nasty stuff going on. Now, the Enquirer has nominated two of the reporters on its staff for the Pulitzer Prize for this work, which I believe includes a significant cash award. Wow! the Enquirer! Can you believe it? They certainly have taken seriously the admonition that a newspaper should "comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable".

2. then, there is the pathetic pretender publication put out by the Harlot of Halifax. He must have gone into a fugue state of dyslexic dementia following a carbo loading session with his bagels, resulting in the reversal of the cited quote, leading him to "comfort the comfortable". i.e. Sweet Brucie. Not for El BoBo to expose Brucie in the determined manner which the Enquirier displayer with Edwards. Certainly not!

And, how else to explain the phantasmagorical crapadola about the Wareham Free Library and its allies. A Freudian, or maybe even a Jungian, may posit that he has no real allies (lackey relationships don't count) and can't stand seeing that kind of positive interaction, and therefore MUST seek to undermine and/or destroy it. Naw, just carbo loading; which may work for the marathoners in April in Boston, but just keeps his nonsense flowing on and on.

So, let us nominate the publisher of Pravda by the Pottie for his own prize: THE BULLSHITTER PRIZE. Sort of the anti-Pulitzer, as it were. It doesn't come with any cash, just one, big, long MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And, a liftime supply of cow pies. Hey BoBo: Watch ylour step!



#5 2010-02-08 18:46:59

the enquier employee knows how to spell.



#6 2010-02-09 07:26:19

Bobo has been nominated for the Angel Soft award, given annually to one who writes from his bathroom..



#7 2010-02-09 07:45:24

Bobo was sitting on his fat ass on his Halifax bathroom office throne when he heard about this and yelled, "Damn it!  You mean they don't give you an award for smooching Sweet Brucey's ass?"



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