#1 2010-02-05 17:27:02

Good afternoon!

OK, I'm back. and before i start my thoughts, please indulge an old-timer while the Courier is trashed. Payback is a Bitch, non?

1. The article's headline for two days referred to "discks". the freakin' headline? perhaps they enrolled in the BoBo (excuse me!, of course I meant "Rob") School of typos and other faux pas.

2. assessor's? Sorry, no deal. it is the plural here, assessors, as in Board of Assessors. In that case, the apostrophe comes AFTER the s, as in assessors'. Let me recommend a current book on punctuation, Ruth: "Eats, Shoots and Leaves", by Lynn Truss.

3. Wer? fortunatley, that's been corrected. There still remains, however, an incomplete sentence near the end of the article. Geez! I'm not even an English teacher!

OK, so much for the personal stuff, thanks for indulging me.


Reports about the return of the famous computer discs to the Town mention that the matter had been referred to the Inspector General. No one seemed to pick up on this, to ask the question: what does that mean? At the mass.gov website, there seemed to be a rather limited scope of matters under the purview if the IG.

1. Prevent waste, fraud & abuse. Well, OK. but how does sending the disks (or info therefrom) "prevent" all these bad things, if they have already occurred? In fact, the website blathers on about reviewing legislation and so on. It would seem that if there had been "waste, fraud & abuse", it would be more appropriate to refer such to the State Police, or Attorney General. this seems like a non-starter.

2. Procurement. Ah, now here is something that might resonate. The IG is charged with oversight of Chapter 30B, the Procurement act. Now, I know a little here, but not a lot. So. where has there been a lot of procurement that the BoS might suspect runs afoul of chap. 30B? Can you say: SEWER. Lots of possibilities, from the new treatment plant to all of the projects extending sewer lines into various neighborhoods.

And, how about Municipal Maint. they must buy lots of stuff, equipment, sand & salt, etc. All of which would fall under chap. 30B.

Remember the infamous tape of one the (many) executive sessions. who were the "two biggest rats"? Was the computer audit an attempt to catch the so-called "rats" in Chap 30B violations?

There are other Town Hall departments that might come into play here, as well as the WPD. It just seems that there are better ways than the excessive expenditure of time, money & public trust the the BoS pursued here. And. it may be for nothing.

3. chapter 40B. Now there's a familiar phrase. the IG is charged with seeing that the numbers of 40B projects work within the law. In particular, there is a provision which limits "profits", as they define them, to 20% of the project cost. In fact, the IG lists a series of letters to cities & towns regarding specific 40B projects, including one in Wareham on Swifts Beach Road. Profits in excess of the 20% threshold are to be returned to the Town. I seem to recall some commentary in the past from the BoS expressing frustration with the process of reviewing the town's projects for compliance with the 40B statute.

thus the question: was part of the computer audit an attempt to amass info regarding the various projects? and is that why the discs/info were referred to the IG?

The blurb on the IG in the State's website notes that the IG falls somewhere between the AG and the State Auditor. It seems odd to me, lacking definitive information, that the computer audit leads to the IG's office. something's up. and wouldn't it be nice to know before April 6?

Please Focus!

Please Vote! (Yours does count, just ask Senator Brown)

April 6, 2010

Take Back Wareham !!!



#2 2010-02-05 18:20:07

We missed you, nota....



#3 2010-02-06 02:54:41

Chronicle reported on 40B's and this specific project, profits were within guidlines.



#4 2010-02-06 05:38:50

notalawyer wrote:

2. Procurement. Ah, now here is something that might resonate. The IG is charged with oversight of Chapter 30B, the Procurement act. Now, I know a little here, but not a lot. So. where has there been a lot of procurement that the BoS might suspect runs afoul of chap. 30B?

Please Focus!

Please Vote! (Yours does count, just ask Senator Brown)

April 6, 2010

Take Back Wareham !!!

GOOD MORNING and nice to see you back nal,

30B IS something that needs to be addressed in Wareham.  Let's just look at the Westfield fiasco.  And please don't misunderstand.  This has nothing to do with Dick Heaton of H and H Assoc.  For those who don't know, Mr Heaton has been engaged in a number of consulting situations (most less than $5000. expenditures) for the ZBA over the last few years BUT that should not have entitled him the award he received to consult on the proposed development for the Westfield site.  If properly handled, that consulting would have been put out to bid for proposals (RFP).  Instead he simply had an interview before the BOS and was hired and a contract was executed for (as we all heard on Tuesday Night Live) $15,000.  To make matters worse, his first invoice submitted was for more than $25,000.  So much for a contract !  Now to compound wrong doing even more, the BOS with their "puppet" (ITA) ordered payment from the Wareham Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which they had NO authorization to do (See MGL Ch.44, Sec 55C).  In fact, the law only allows 10% of such a fund to be expended in any one year.  The fund had $159,900.  You do the math.  So when this was pointed out to the "leaders", they scrambled to FINALLY appoint trustees to the Board of the Wareham Affordable Housing Trust, which still does not have a full Board (See Wareham By-laws, Division VII, Article III - Section 3).
I don't make this stuff up.  Our elected officials MUST abide by the laws that govern their service, otherwise they should resign having violated their Oath of Office.

It's just one blunder after another.

C'mon April 6 !!!



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