#1 2010-02-05 16:35:56

Since Bobo the Assclown has made the "ass"-umption that Take Back Wareham (define please)..is behind the devious plot to increase voter participation in the upcoming election season by VoteApril6, I want to add my own "suggestion" for a voter drive to complement the noble efforts of VoteApril6, and call it what it is I want most..CHANGE! If your in, your out..


April 6, 2010



#2 2010-02-05 16:39:55

i have plenty of voter registration cards if you know anyone who needs 1 let me know....



#3 2010-02-05 16:46:31

Great idea, P-Span!



#4 2010-02-05 17:05:35

VOTE APRIL 6 update.

This initiative already has more momentum than Bobo can possibly stop.  I met with Walter Cruz yesterday and provided him with pins, decals, and lawn signs for all of the selectmen. Then, at Walter's urging, I went straight to the TA, who applauds the effort as one that is sorely needed.  I pledged to Walter and to Mark Andrews that the paranoid reaction of a local "journalist" is just that: paranoia. The message you see :VOTE APRIL 6 . WAREHAM TOWN ELECTION is all you are going to get from this group ...But you are going to see it EVERYWHERE. The initial response tells us loudly and clearly that this is an initiative whose time has come.  The rest is up to the candidates. VOTE APRIL 6 will endorse no one.   Our "Enemy#1" is Voter Apathy; our goal is a record turnout on April 6.   Vote April 6



#5 2010-02-05 18:22:38

Don'tcha' just love Dick Wheeler?



#6 2010-02-05 18:45:58

Sounds great, Dick. I hope they get AS MANY people out there to vote as possible..and then I hope they VOTE4CHANGE!!!

Tell your friends, tell your sister's, brother's, neighbor's, co-worker's..tell anyone, anytime you get the chance. We need YOU and everyone you know from Wareham to pay attention, play a part, exercise your right, and voice your opinion. TAKE BACK WAREHAM!

April 6, 2010



#7 2010-02-05 21:12:43

P-SPAN: I can be "for" your Vote For Change without compromising the highly focussed aim of VOTE APRIL 6.  There are at least three levels in the appeals for support that we are about to see. They can be described as follows:

   Level One : Get off the couch and vote !

    Level Two: Throw the bums out !

    Level Three: Vote for my Guy/Gal

Vote April 6 is obviously Level One.  Vote4Change is a classic Level Two, and Vote For Tootsie would be an example of Level Three. It would be possible to be an honest supporter of all three groups.

In my meeting with Mark Andrews I found myself saying: "I'm a lousy politician, but I'm a world class awareness raiser." 

So, as Wareham heads toward what is arguably its most critical town election I want to focus on what I know how to do best: making people wake up and pay attention.

There's an old story about a guy who became famous as a trainer of horses. He could take a horse that nobody had been able to handle and make it respond to him.

When they did a documentary on him , folks were shocked when he started off his training session by whacking the horse across the nose with a two by four. His explanation:" First you have to get their attention." 

There are a lot of people out there who haven't been paying attention. My goal is to wake them up so that they can decide between letting the incumbents dig us out of the hole or let some fresh people take a shot at it.

Anyone who is against what I am trying to do is fearful of waking people up.

I predict that Bobo and Sauvageau will differ regarding Vote April 6: Bobo has come down against, but I predict that Bozo will support Vote April 6 because he is confident that he can woo the newly awakened. That's what these election campaigns are all about.

Let the games begin!



#8 2010-02-05 21:37:04

Dick Wheeler wrote:

P-SPAN: I can be "for" your Vote For Change without compromising the highly focussed aim of VOTE APRIL 6.

Absolutely..I totally agree. There's nothing I'ld like to see more than having record turnouts at the polls and at Spring Town Meeting. Fill the place(s) beyond capacity.

This Town can send a loud and clear message (one that was begun, and ignored, at the Fall TM). The claims by the Charter Review, and other's, that one of the reasons for removing TM is due to poor "attendance" was shown to be misleading..and I think this Spring will make that wake up call look like a whimper.

April 6, 2010



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