#1 2010-01-29 15:04:20

On the tabloid blog, this dialogue occurred. Fogcutter is "speaking" here:

Robert Slager wrote:

You wrote "Why reward the Town for shirking their responsibility to the library?" What makes you think the town is shirking its responsibility? Towns all over Massachusetts have been forced to slash discretionary spending because of reductions in state aid. The town has absolutely no control over that. If the library budget were increased, that money would have to be taken from another department. If you wish to argue that the library is more important than public safety and education, we will have to agree to disagree.

Somehow the vast majority of other cities and towns in this state manage to figure it out and keep their libraries from flirting with the loss of accreditation. Unfortunately our "leadership" seems to have more trouble than most others. How did your town of Halifax figure it out?

Robert Slager wrote:

The Friends have lost a great deal of money through investments.

Rob, EVERYONE involved has lost a great deal of money though investments in the last couple of years. Even (and especially) the so-called "Experts". One non-profit I am involved with feared that the banks were truly going to collapse under the mortgage crisis. This was back when some credible analysts were saying that it wouldn't be a bad idea to literally start stashing money under your mattress. The org didn't do that but it did divide their assets among three different banks in order to get the full benefit of FDIC insurance just in case.

Robert Slager wrote:

Do donors know their money is being used to play the market?

I would think so, it is very standard practice. After all, most well run non-profits are run literally like a "business". I know that sounds counterintuitive, but that is how it works."

MY COMMENTS: Fogcutter is right. Other towns, even in tough fiscal times have managed to keep their libraries funded and certified. I agree when he says our "leadership" has problems.

But Mr. Fogcutter--since you have our tax forms in front of you, let me ask: where do you see that the Friends lost money through investments? Where do you see that "their money is being used the play the market?"  While you agree that it is ok for non profits to do so (and I agree with you there as well), you will find that the Friends have never played the market. Both investment dividends/income as well as losses must be shown on your tax forms. There are no such entries of losing great deals of money from investments on those forms. Clearly your friend "Rob" is being more than disingenuous here. In fact, stating that the Friends "play the market" and lost donations doing so, is a lie.

I'd invite anyone who reads this blog to go to the site where you can find our tax records. They are not secret and are filed according to the law. You will see that the Friends do not have "investments."

The great embezzlement/money laundering/loan sharking/copy machine/used book sale scheme will be exposed as the lie it is. You all seem to demonstrate your faith in the Inspector General, so I can only believe that when the scheme is exposed as a lie, you will have to accept that. I already KNOW it is a lie. These continued lies are beginning to seem pathological to me:
Main Entry: pathological liar
Function: noun
: an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder



#2 2010-01-29 15:26:01

I like how Bobo deflects the question by changing subjects. For someone who states

This has nothing to do with “hating” the library or philosophically opposing non-profit organizations. That’s just nonsense.

he certainly does his best to accuse the Friends of poor management practices when there is no evidence contained in the tax records.

When the IG does conclude there is no evidence of ebezzlement, he will not only be verfied as a fabricator, but he will have also brought John Donahue down with him. We all recall who first mentioned to him about "something funny going on at the library".

If anything, this constant harping on the Friends and former trustees has allowed people to publically witness the poor leadership of this town.



#3 2010-01-31 11:15:45

Found this in the Couriet from 2008

To the editor:

As president of the Friends of the Wareham Free Library, Inc., I would like to correct some recent misinformation being spread about our fundraising activities.

For over 30 years, this dedicated group of volunteers has raised money to be used for the library at 59 Marion Road. Recently, we were asked to accept donations for a paddlethon from a group of library supporters who were upset that the library had cut back its hours and services. The community supporters of Wareham are sponsoring Dick Wheeler, a 78-year-old world-class kayaker who is currently paddling 1,000 miles along our coastline for donations and pledges to be used to help support the library’s drastic budget cut.

In an Oct. 16 edition of the Wareham Observer, Robert Slager claimed that the paddlethon efforts won’t restore the library’s budget and said, “It’s going to the Friends of the Library which financially supports Spinney.” And that week at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting, (Selectman) Jane Donahue advised that people should make their checks out to the town of Wareham, instead of to the Friends, as she herself did. As Dick is closing in on the 500-mile mark, the pledges have dwindled because of this false or confusing information. Imagine being on the cold, wet, windy waters at this time of year paddling for six hours a day only to learn your efforts may not be worth it!

I absolutely guarantee that all money raised in this paddlethon will go towards purchasing books and library materials for the library. A separate checking account will hold these funds, and careful records, as always, will be kept. But money raised in this way cannot be used to replace the town’s municipal appropriation requirement for certification.

You may have also heard that the Friends have $700,000 and won’t spend it on the library. I’m not sure how this number was determined by people who don’t have current access to our bank accounts, but let me explain about our funds. In 2005, the Friends were given the old Spinney Memorial building in Onset. Previously used as a library, the Friends agreed to raise funds and turn it into a branch of the main library. Money raised for Spinney is kept in a separate bank from our general fund. In addition, money is raised separately for this project. We have held several Scoops for Spinney, three Art and Cool Stuff Spinney Auctions, a Spinney Viking Cruise, Spinney paperwhite sale, and are selling bricks for the Spinney courtyard. For the holidays, we will be selling seashell ornaments for Spinney. When we approached individuals and businesses for donations, we specifically stated the funds would be used for Spinney. We have never deceived the public in any of our fundraising efforts, and we never will.

There are laws that govern fundraising for non-profits. You cannot raise money for one cause and simply use it for another. In the same Oct. 16 edition of the Wareham Observer Mr. Slager is quoted as saying that all we need to do is “write a $600,000 check to the town treasurer for the specific purpose of augmenting the library budget.” And Selectman Eckstrom is quoted in the same issue as saying, “When we have over $700,000 sitting in an account for a branch library . . . we need to open up the purse strings.” Not one, but three lawyers cautioned me that if the Friends used the money raised for the Spinney project on the main library, it would be an act of fraud and conversion. Furthermore, the Friends could face legal action and have its Certificate of Solicitation withdrawn by the state. People who gave money to the Spinney project did not intend that money to be used to pay the heat and electricity for the main library. Obviously, the Friends will not commit an illegal act. But we will continue to raise money for both the main library and for the Spinney project.

You might also wonder why we would continue to work on building a branch library in this difficult fiscal time. We will be breaking ground on this project soon. Our contractor has begun the permitting process with the town. There are five main reasons why we are going to build the Spinney branch library: 1) We signed a binding donation agreement with the town of Wareham signed by the Board of Selectmen, including Selectmen Eckstrom and Savaugeau, stating that we will build this building and turn it over to the town within seven years. 2) The town meeting voters agreed to spend $121,000 of CPC funds with a historical preservation agreement signed by the Historical Commission requiring the building be renovated and turned into a public library. 3) We have raised money with the promise to the donors that we will use those funds to build a Spinney branch library and are legally required to spend the money as promised. 4) We have already downsized the project once because of the cost of building materials and labor. If we continue to wait, we will get even less building for the money we have already raised. 5) A library provides literacy and education for citizens of all ages and economic status, increases property values and demonstrates that this is a town that values its citizens.

I hope this letter clarifies some of the false statements and misinformation that has been put out to the public. By the way, no one has asked me personally for the facts in the matter. But we all know that an informed opinion is backed by facts.

Finally, please consider supporting Dick Wheeler in his paddling efforts. Click on the pledge button on the paddlethon’s Web page, www.warehampaddle.wordpress.com. You can also learn more about how the Friends use its funds on that site. All of the money raised for this event will be used for the main library, and the Friends are proud to be the recipients of the donations and pledges.

Nora Bicki


The truth will set you free! :)



#4 2010-01-31 14:17:18

Yeah Nora!!



#5 2010-01-31 14:21:41

Thanks Larry for posting this..and thanks Nora for writing it. "No good deed.."
Did Dick ever make it back?

April 6, 2010



#6 2010-01-31 14:26:23

No...Dick never did make it back. He has been paddling against the tide ever since he left two years ago.
The tide he's paddling against now is not as tough as the one he had to paddle against in a kayak.
April 6, 2010....Dick will be back!



#7 2010-02-14 21:08:33

Here's some further input  regarding the "playing  the market with endowment money" issue as if it's a scandal.

There's a college in Cambridge...not MIT, the other one...where I have spent nine years of my life. This institution....my institution... lost  $15 billion...as in $15 BILLION, dollars in the recent financial "unpleasantness."

Perhaps our "know-it-all" from Halifax should go national with his financial insights.....or hindsights. There's a REAL scandal only 65 minutes away. Go for it Bobo !!....Don't mess around with this small town stuff...You are a world class economist. Stop being so modest. You are THE MAN.

The fact is, the WFL folks he is beating up on  with his phony economics did a better job with their endowment than  my unmentionable  college in Cambridge did with theirs .

Now, there's a second rate college in New Haven, Connecticut, that took an even greater percentage loss with their endowment, If you will promise to focus on that college first,I will pick up the tab.  Go Bobo, go !!

(Get this clown out of town !!)



#8 2010-02-14 21:36:29

After watching the commercials during the Olympics, I am just saying:

Puffery as a legal term refers to promotional statements and claims that express subjective rather than objective views, such that no reasonable person would take them literally

Sound familiar?



#9 2010-02-14 23:44:20

Does that mean he's a puffer?



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