#1 2010-01-14 07:29:08
I was at the library yesterday and saw posted a sign that says the Friends of the WFL's January booksale has been cancelled. Does anyone have any infomation about why this is the case?
#2 2010-01-14 07:30:19
The acting library director canceled the book sales. Anyone who has questions should contact her or the TA.
#3 2010-01-14 07:48:42
Wow Nora she is such a controlling you know what. I’m not happy that the new TA is going along with this decision.
#4 2010-01-14 07:58:35
WOW!!! how many years has the library had book sales? does marcia have to help? seems like another action to demoralize the library and its workers and volunteer staff!!! makes me sick to my stomach really... has she stopped the extra help for the coa??? NO i see the "our pantry is bare" ad on WCTV...
#5 2010-01-14 07:59:51
what about the people who bought books cuz they can't afford to go to borders?? that not a nice tghing to do to the citizens of wareham....
#6 2010-01-14 08:23:37
There should be massive calls made to the TA expressing outrage. How does this administration expect to get financial support from this organization when it constantly slaps these good people in the face with a horsewhip? Or is there some nefarious scheme to make things so difficult that the entire Friends of the library organization folds up and then the Selectmen can start a new group with their hand picked Democratic town committee members?
Any chance that the people on this site can come together and find some other place to hold the sale and then offer our help to move the books to the sale sight? A few pick up trucks, vans, and brawn will do it.
Would Wareham Crossing offer one of their empty stores in the spirit of helping the community? Unless they have a non-compete clause with Borders, they might? Or perhaps the Episcopal Church Hall, the Congregational Church hall or the Catholic Church hall might be made available? These pastors know what is going on in town and I'm sure would be willing to help by offering their hall for a few months until after the election when there is a new leadership in town that supports the efforts of those who are willing to get out there and work, work, work, to support an entity that provides for the entire community.
#7 2010-01-14 08:24:59
Where are the SAVE OUR LIBRARY SIGNS? Time to get them back out on the lawns.
#8 2010-01-14 14:03:05
Let me see...oh yeah...get government out of the....oh, you know the rest!
#9 2010-01-14 20:52:34
It really is a shame that the January sale is canceled. It is one of our biggest money makers all year. We don't have a November sale because of Thanksgiving. Then at the beginning of December we only have an abbreviated book sale during our Holiday Fair. So come January, people are looking to replenish their reading supply. And with the cold weather, a lot of people like to hunker down and keep warm with a good book to read. Sales are brisk in January, so to speak.
Who loses in this case? Not the Friends. It means that this month a few of us who do the heavy lifting won't need to be taking motrin for those back aches. And the people who work the day of the book sale will have that Saturday free to spend with families or run errands etc.
Who really loses? Well, the citizens of Wareham who use the library since all proceeds from our book sales support the library. Last fiscal year we gave M. Griswold invoices for $45,000 for books purchased for the library. Then we gave her invoices for another $20,000 from this fiscal year for books purchased. The money we make from the book sales goes right back into the library. And yes, we have invoices and receipts to prove it!!! (Evidence folks, evidence.)
If this is supposed to be some form of "punishment" to the Friends, it missed by a mile. It's the library and the taxpayers/patrons who lose out this time. How sad and pathetic is that?? A personal feud trumps the needs of the citizens of the town. Maybe that's more sick than sad. IMO anyway.
#10 2010-01-14 21:02:27
Nora Bicki wrote:
It's the library and the taxpayers/patrons who lose out this time. How sad and pathetic is that??
Nora Bicki wrote:
A personal feud trumps the needs of the citizens of the town. Maybe that's more sick than sad. IMO anyway.
Mine too
April 6, 2010
#11 2010-01-24 06:00:42
Looks like quite a few people missed seeing the notices in the local papers that the book sale was canceled and did not see the sign on the door. Quite a few people came to the library yesterday looking for the sale and were very upset to see that it was canceled. We have no way to contact the people who come just for the book sale every month and don't read the papers. The reason we make good money from the sales is because we have a strong following. I hope they aren't mad at us and will return if we are ever allowed to have another book sale.
I understand the acting director was there and things got uncomfortable to say the least. More on this after I have my am coffee.
#12 2010-01-24 06:58:34
A town that doesn't let the Friends of the Library have a book sale at the library is pathetic...or maybe more accurately, suffers from pathetic, useless, loser leadership.
#13 2010-01-24 07:16:24
I think it needs to be said that while we all know our leadership is seriously lacking that the cancellation of the monthly book sale is a management decision and lies squarely in the lap of the new TA. We were all led to believe that his talent is finance so someone please help me here to understand how such a decision, when its being reported that our revenues won't cover our expenses and accordingly we'll be faced with voting on reduced service, that we're consciously further depriving the library from operating at full capacity.
#14 2010-01-24 08:16:43
The friends of face book drive has proven that you don't need government in the library business.
I have said a million times that the people of Wareham will support their libraries any way they can.
Obstructive, malicious interference by elected officials is unacceptable. But, when you give these clowns the right to control the library, you have lost the libraries and their legacies forever.
Get the damn government out of the ....oh...you know the rest!
#15 2010-01-24 08:43:32
Has anyone emailed the new TA to ask why he has decided to stop the book sale? Nora has anyone from the friends gone to his office to ask him why he made the decision to stop the sale? He made a big deal about having an open door policy.
#16 2010-01-24 09:39:55
It seems the library or at least the side walk leading to the library would be a good place to start passing out flyers informing those who don't read the papers what is happening in town. I think if these people were asked to vote in the upcoming election, Brucie would change his policy regarding the book sales darn fast.
#17 2010-01-24 12:13:01
Quite a day at the WFL yesterday!! Where to start?
Well, let's start with the book sale since that is the thread title: Quite a few people come to our book sales on the 4th Saturday of the month from town and neighboring communities. One person drove 45 minutes and was not happy to learn it was canceled. M. Griswold was at the library on Sat., so the staff suggested some of these angry patrons speak to her about it. The ever-professional acting director BLAMED THE STAFF for NOT EMAILING people to let them know it had been canceled!! Like, what does she think that the library has the email of every person in the world who comes to the book sale??? And it's the FRIENDS book sale anyway. And would that have been a good use of staff time?? Nothing like having the backs of your staff!!! Throw them to the wolves instead. Great management strategy.
Only TWO staff members were assigned to work on Saturday, one of the busiest days at the library.That is WAY understaffed for the library. So, the COA volunteer "sat" in the Children's Room so it could be open. However, since she can't answer any questions, doesn't know how the books are shelved in categories, and can't even check a book out, the person at the main circulation desk basically did that work too. Then for about an hour and a half, MG sat with the volunteer in the Children's Room and they chatted the whole time. Plenty of books needed to be shelved, the main phone went unanswered often because there was only one person at the desk who was waiting on a patron. Staff didn't get to take a bathroom break never mind the legally required 15 minutes. My "sources" tell me there was a constant line at the main desk waiting to check out, sign up as a new patron, or ask a question.
Oh, and MG brought in a big stack of the tacky tabloid and put it on a table in the lobby (she was irritated that the FREE, Wareham Week was available). A couple of people asked the staff member if they had to pay the 75 cents. FREE FOR ONLY 75 CENTS!!!!
And to answer Marny's question, yes, the President of the Friends has an appointment to speak with the TA. Oh, and when she was told that one of the reasons that the sale was being canceled was because of the ongoing investigation, she called the IG investigator who had given her his card when they met at the library file drawers. So she called him and asked if they knew of any reason that we couldn't have a book sale during the investigation. The investigator was surprised to hear about it and said he couldn't imagine how the investigation would be a reason for canceling the sale.
I firmly believe, and this is my opinion and mine only, that the action of the BoS to put M. Griswold in as acting library director when she clearly is not capable of doing a barely passable job, is another sign that these people should NOT be hiring town employees who are paid with OUR tax dollars. And don't forget, the acting director gets PAID to work, not sit and chat. YOUR tax dollars at.....??work??
#18 2010-01-24 14:14:24
Nora Bicki wrote:
the President of the Friends has an appointment to speak with the TA. Oh, and when she was told that one of the reasons that the sale was being canceled was because of the ongoing investigation, she called the IG investigator who had given her his card when they met at the library file drawers. So she called him and asked if they knew of any reason that we couldn't have a book sale during the investigation. The investigator was surprised to hear about it and said he couldn't imagine how the investigation would be a reason for canceling the sale.
I firmly believe, and this is my opinion and mine only, that the action of the BoS to put M. Griswold in as acting library director when she clearly is not capable of doing a barely passable job, is another sign that these people should NOT be hiring town employees who are paid with OUR tax dollars. And don't forget, the acting director gets PAID to work, not sit and chat. YOUR tax dollars at.....??work??
This is so frustrating..Who's library is it anyway?? The citizens of Wareham!!!
We don't need a lackey, partisan, unqualified interim director, whom they try to raise to the level of sainthood for her "charitable" endeavors..I saw her (repeatedly) get up at TM and misrepresent "Westfield" (just like the dinks she walks in lock step with).
She's just one more person, related to this administration who does whatever she wants, and feels justified in doing so, because "she's in charge" and she has the support of the "Assclowns" in office (love that accurate term, Ham)...I will laugh when all these people are "out of power" and their reputations will suffer the results of their misdeeds.
Get off the snide Mr. Andrews..if you think your winning the support of the citizens of Wareham by sitting back and "playing ball" with these dopes, you're not. Remedy this situation asap. As a taxpaying citizen of Wareham (unlike Bobo, Sweet Brucey, or yourself)..I demand it!!!
April 6, 2010
#19 2010-01-24 14:38:21
It will be interesting to see how Mr. Andrews handles any complaints.
And let me point out, that I have every right as a taxpayer to complain about the actions and behavior of a town employee, especially when I believe that employee is NOT doing her job. The acting director does and says these things in public, with witnesses observing her. It is not a secret, and several people have made complaints to the TA and I understand that after what happened Saturday, more will be made.
I guess it is ok for our BoS to publicly excoriate town employees both in regular meetings and illegally in executive sessions, but others are not supposed to complain about a town employee's improper comments and gross mismanagement of a town department. How's that for hypocrisy??
#20 2010-01-24 15:24:58
i would hatebto have to taken a crap this past sat.and if anyone who brought in a snack perhaps the council on ageiing voulenteer would voulenteer to eat the librians snack for her.
#21 2010-01-24 19:34:55
This is why it is important to focus on April.Look at the blunders this group has made. First time is a mistake, the second time is a habit. We need new leadership and April is the answer.
#22 2010-01-24 21:11:25
By: angel-joe on 1/24/10
Hi all - I just stopped in for 1 second. I was just wondering how ANYONE can just click on the link to your FB Library page without SIGNING IN as a member to Facebook ??? That's really odd. How can one just click on a Facebook link, NOT sign in, and SEE the "Fake" library facebook page? Wonder if Facebook knows that the page is just available as a "link" on the open Web? AND, how come the "moderator", page originator did not have to "approve" you as a friend before you posted Robert ??? Hmm. Is it really a REAL Facebook page? If it is, then Facebook better recheck their "security" ..
Now facebook is in bed with the friends? Did the president of fb attend a cbw meeting? I love nuts like this.
#23 2010-01-24 21:16:54
IHS, as I'm sure your aware, angel-joe is amongst the most "unhinged" of the tin foil hat club..constant idiocy out of that one. "Hey Joe" is it hard to type with your head up your ass?? Just wondering...
April 6, 2010
#24 2010-01-24 21:41:56
Be careful, IHS...angel- joe will accuse you of being a slave owner!
You are a big shot cranberry grower, aren't you?
#25 2010-01-24 21:50:54
thank you BW or common i hate Joe was way of the mark. you cant become a friend of Wareham Free lib. if you are not signed on to facebook a very up right sight. nothing wrong with the site just the people looking at it with the wrong point of view.
#26 2010-01-24 22:20:48
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any."
- Russell Baker
US journalist (1925 - )
http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?i … 0377865276
Can you get to this one, angel-joe?? Oh, it looks like you already have.
You wanna know who the TFHC is??..check out the "friends" list...and finally...a look at the elusive Paul Coyle (rag multimedia co-magnate).
To go to the link, you need to have (or create) a Facebook account (free)..and be logged on...not a conspiracy, angel-joe..get a grip.
If you create a new FB account, don't forget to become a fan of the Wareham Free Library at: http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Wareham … 635?ref=nf
April 6, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-01-25 01:06:17)