#66 2010-01-19 22:53:20

Yeah, I guess my alternate universe life has been discovered! I always wanted to drive the Charger and change my name to cousin leroy.

You think Viking would feel even smaller if he knew what i did for a living?

Wow..what a night! Tomorrow is going to be better!



#67 2010-01-19 22:55:04

By: robertslager on 1/18/10
Gnome, does it bother you that your husband refers to you as his "inbred wanderlust?" I can't imagine saying something that disrespectful about my wife.

to answer your question no because it wasn't about me..
inbred---- a traveling army brat and also having native american heritage
wanderlust----to travel........

try to do some investigating you'll end up with less egg on your face



#68 2010-01-19 22:56:50

Don't apologize to me or any of us, Larry.
I think you are taking it very well.
You are demonstrating what a true southern gentleman is.
Angel-joe...male or female....hmmm...let's see...
If ignorance is bliss, then Angel joe is one happy person.
Little ignorant about the history of Wareham and the Cape Verdean community...although...the person may have Cape Verdean blood.
You'd think they would use the library and investigate Wareham history and not perceive what never existed.
Slavery in Wareham?
You must be drinking some of that new pomegranate juice.
Messes up your mind.
By The way, Angel-joe...the FBI says hi.
Timothy O'Leary sends his regards also.



#69 2010-01-19 23:04:49

We have 3 sites plus the other one,2 are public and free, one is private and you must pay.and the other one has been kept very quiet, most don't even know how to find it.

Right wrong or both, people on the three sites most under assumed names may post some things you don't like, but it is posted for all to see.

The pay site is supposed to be private, so that assumed name people can comment and attack others, but with the safeguard that their comments will never see the light of day.

Well it appears that has changed now, your comments are being see by all that read this and the other site. So careful what you write unless you don't care if it gets posted here and other places.

If you are willing to share it there, and it is respectful mature discussion without personal attacks, then you should have no issues posting it here.I for one thinks it helps the conversation.

Just my opinion



#70 2010-01-19 23:13:16

By: robertslager on 1/18/10
Hey, Hamatron, go spend some more stolen money.

By: mayflower on 1/19/10
a-j, in my opinion Nancy Miller should be removed from her office. Not only has she mislead the OCVSR committee, but has taken two years to write the deed restrictions on the Swifts Beach property. The paperwork for the recommendation of placing a property on the National Registry of Historic Places is prepared locally. It is then forwarded to Washington. She apparently can't be bothered to assist in that preparation. I am also of the opinion that there is an ulterior motive for not completing the Swifts Beach Deed. Just my suspicion and opinion.



#71 2010-01-19 23:20:17

Let's face it, we have been accused of many things: Hate bloggers, personal attacks, and the biggest one is references to hate organizations. From what I have seen tonight, the people that post on the other site, including the owner/moderator are just as guility. Months ago, they were calling for an FBI investigation of this site based on all the discussed accusations. After tonight, I feel that they have crossed over the line and should face the music.

There are several issues at work here.
On his site, he has posted a link to a social group of military brats I belong to and used something I said completely out of context and used it infer that I was talking about my wife. This may be some form of stalking as he had to "google" this and most definitely read through the information on that site. I will bring that up tomorrow.

he also makes a relgious reference, which was pretty insulting.

And now, this Viking person has crossed the line. They made reference (twice) to a hate organization suggesting I belonged to this organization. That is pretty serious considering what my mother's family had to endure from this organization.

I can smirk at the comments when they try to insult me, but when it becomes of a nature that attacks religious beliefs and heritage, I believe it's time to put a stop to it.



#72 2010-01-19 23:28:53

Speaking of respect for ones spouse, you know that thing about glass houses.....many more people would think a man who spends all his days and nights blogging about his hatred of everything while his wife is out spending all of her days and maybe nights working to earn the money to provide and care for the children and the hate filled blogger.



#73 2010-01-20 00:18:05

Hey, you know what?? I'm a little too tired tonight to refute Bobo the Fabricator's latest round (we'll see how I feel another day shithead)..You're nothing Bobo..and your tin foiled hat posse ain't gonna be enough to stop the cleansing coming this spring..Think of that fresh Spring air everyone..Out with Satan..In with Jesus...

Funny, we must have really pissed him off..he was spitting venom (and lies) at many of "us"....ba hahahaha.

April 6, 2010

Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-01-20 00:22:04)



#74 2010-01-20 01:40:03

By: viking on 1/17/10
i have to respond to those who think their going to intimidate honest people.
hey larry and your gnome wonder.......listen up. you hurt me by copying my comment to your hate site.....i'm really hurt.
oh yea, there is a lot of hate on rob's site. all that vulgarity and disturbing imagery. oh thats right, this is NOT YOUR posting site of preference!
being from tennessee you should understand that people in any good town don't like carpetbaggers. sound familiar?
now maybe your just pining for the days of having sunday picnics in nashville under the statue of your great humanitarian nathan bedford forrest. or maybe you long for a nice evening outing with the boys around the bon fire, but this is not tennessee.
we are not that clannish up here. why do you think a revolution started here and not down there? you know our ancestors fought for the rights you and your friends can't wait to trample on.
unfortunately wareham does have some less than admirable people in this town. short miserable trolls who would rather watch nascar than actually strive for intellectual fulfillment.
and please, real intellectuals would do something more with their lives than be a past president of a group that puts books on a shelf. i think they have automatons and quicken books that are built to do those jobs.
you know.....T.E.C.H.N.O.L.O.G.Y. we have that up here larry. it's not magic. no sky demons spitting fire. it comes about through education. or in ihateliz's case.....school house rock, conjunction junction might have been beneficial (or at least use that T.E.C.H.N.O.L.O.G.Y. called spell check, help him out sonny).
all we can say is at least ihs remembers conjunction junction. (on a side not, the school house rock 30th anniversary collection is available on dvd from amazon for 12.99)
i don't like to troll in the mud, but this attempted intimidation is becoming tiring.

my name is liz mcdonald and i dont think your parents named you "viking" so what do ya say about and put your real name to your comments be proud(hehe) of what you wrote and own it...



#75 2010-01-20 07:04:11

Phew!! What did I wake up to??  What you've quoted here looks like a marathon of the Hypocrite Hatebloggers. They have been revealed for what they are.  I think people on this site have proven their point--these folks think it is ok for them to use the rhetoric of hate, but if it gets done on this site, we are some sort of criminals.  I do believe that is the figurative definition of HYPOCRITE HATEBLOGGERS!!! 

So, here is what I have to say. April is coming and we have much work to do.  Let's leave these people to their proven acts of hateblogging and turn our efforts towards improving Wareham.

The NEWSpaper should be out soon. That signals to me, a new day in Wareham.




#76 2010-01-20 08:36:22

The more I thought about Viking's comments, the more I realized this person has to be dealt with. Along that line, we must all keep in mind that Bobo's site is moderated. That means that no comments get posted without the approval of Bobo. What that means is that not only did viking make an inflammatory statement, Bobo approved that statement.

I have made a few phone calls this morning and faxed the information to the appropriate people. I have compiled additional comments made and faxed those as support.

Robert Slager and whoever Viking is, enough is enough.



#77 2010-01-20 08:54:13

LIZdaGNOME wrote:

By: robertslager on 1/16/10
Wow. This is very interesting. Guess who is listed as a moderator on the hate site (not just a member but a moderator): Cara Winslow, Nora Bicki, Dan O'Connell, and somebody with the name Linda @ Makepiece. The PR director there is named Linda Burke. There are a whole slew of others under anonymous screen names: Hamatron, IHS, Ihateliz, Mixie, Molly, P-Span, etc. Very interesting. These people are not just posting on the site. They are taking an active role in the administration of it

Just find it funny that Slager writes out Ihateliz, but only uses the initials of IHateslager.  Can't take it, I guess.    Congratulation moderators!



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