#1 2009-12-29 19:36:40


OK,  now that I have your attention….

    This has been on my mind for some time.
This Town wide computer audit. Everyone of you here, hands down strongly believe it’s a fishing expedition, A vendetta, power play, etc….. Just look at all the posts on the subject here, the effort, the passion and time it all took.
    Well, all of you here have been sitting on a gold mine! Already bought and paid for by the taxpayers by way of the very people you are against. The BOS!

    Why has not one of you here started to demand to see the results of this ‘witch hunt’ so you’d have absolute proof the BOS are a collective POS to show everyone in town? Some real tangible proof that all of you here where correct right from the very beginning?
Some letter writing to our Reps, phone calls, letters to the papers, demands to have this info released to show once and for all, without a doubt to anyone that is still capable of hearing and reading, that this was all an expensive vendetta perpetrated by the BOS against fine people at the towns demise?

   Just think of the benefits you’d reap…The BOS would be so disgraced, they’d have to relocate, meaning no recall efforts needed. You would get any candidate elected to any town office that you wished just based on your proven record of forcing Government to be open, responsible and accountable to all. Bragging rights, “We told You”  T-shirt licensing and sales..you get the idea.

    As it stands now…. with the state withholding the audit info, it looks like a cover-up to a lot of people in town and we all know, no one wants to be associated with a cover-up, even by assent of silence on it.

    The BOS want the info back to prove their point….and are working towards that..
    You here should want this info back to prove what you have been saying all along.
         That is….if you really believe what you have been saying all along….

It’s already bought and paid for………………………………

It’s put up or shut up time for both sides on this issue as April is closer than you think.




#2 2009-12-29 21:28:18

Jeb, you are not a lackey, you are actually part of the crazy board or committees they have hand picked. To much time on your hands with no meeting tonight?  You insult the intelligence  of all the good honost hardworking people who are trying to get competent, responsible, intelligent people who have the ability to manage and lead this town for whats best for the town not their own political and personal vendettas. The BOS and all their very small group of supports should be totally ashamed for what they have done to good peoples lives in town, especially when they cry foul if you even disagree with them or call them on an issue. It is just horrible!!!!!



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