#1 2009-12-06 17:42:01
Last night, the 17th annual Melloni Youth Foundation Toy Drive was held..what would any event in Wareham be without an appearance by Mr and Mrs Moderator!!..any event or any wake, that is..
According to some bystanders, the host of the event gave Jane quite an earful about the shape the Town is in right now thanks to her and her cohorts..she tried to soft-sell him on what a great event this is for the Town, but he was having none of her political posturing..instead, he lambasted her for the BOS"s lack of support for his Foundation's efforts..
A heartfelt thanks to Mr. Melloni for realizing that John and Jane were there for one reason: political gain!!..more people in Wareham need to see what these phonies are all about..
One last note: NO ONE MISSED THE CAT LADY!!!
#2 2009-12-06 18:20:10
It was a festive night! SlagisDB is a dance machine! We had a wonderful time it was for a good cause!
I can't wait until April so we can Take Back Wareham!
#3 2009-12-06 19:06:27
I'm sorry I missed it this year. I love what the Dick Melloni Youth Foundation does in our community. When I see them fitting the kids with free bike helmets...etc etc. and all the toys at holiday time. It's great! Sandy and the folks at Sassy Swirls...they spend so many hours helping Sybil M. It is a huge undertaking. The books have come from the Friends of the Wareham Free Library for several years. (The books are gently used and are donated from citizens to the Friends, and the library doesn't need these, so don't get all ramped up, Bob.)
I'm glad if Rich put it right out there to Jane and John and didn't let them off the hook. (It's hard to go places where they are and be in the same room with them, frankly.) He knows the hurt that has been caused and the drain on good volunteers who have tried hard to help the town over the years, just like he has.
Can you imagine having the position and power to influence for good and not doing it? To waste the privilege of serving? It's disgusting.
When we Take Back Wareham, there will be dancing in the streets, don't you worry, SlagisDB! Rock on!
Last edited by voter (2009-12-06 19:13:32)
#4 2009-12-06 19:59:34
Hey SlagisDB - I witnessed it too! Seemed a bit heated from my vantage point. Thought I caught Ms. BOS thanking him "on behalf of the Town".....WHAT A JOKE! Like the BOS or town adminstration has any appreciation for the efforts of not only that organization but others in town that do such great things for complete strangers...Of course these kinds of feel good events are always a good place to "press the flesh" for local politicos. DISTAIN FOR POLITICAL GAIN .... INDEED!
#5 2009-12-06 20:06:06
I'm surprised Bobo wasn't tagging along for a photo op!!..good thing becaused he would have been JEERED the hell out of there!!
#6 2009-12-06 20:12:18
Really? Rich gave it to them huh?? HaHa! Way to go Rich! Wish I could have made it. I had it on my calendar but had so many other things to do. I hope it was a success for the local families thanks to the Dick Melloni Foundation.
#7 2009-12-06 20:29:49
it was a great time... my daughter like the "dude" on the dance floor who also happens to have picked up the nickname...."FUNNY GUY"...
#8 2009-12-06 22:01:04
Just a quick question for those who attended. Did the Donahues bring any toys for the drive? I didn't see them walk in until late.
We were sitting at the same table with Mrs. Melloni and saw the conversation at the end of the table. To be honest, I was having too much fun to watch much of the conversation.
#9 2009-12-08 21:17:57
Larry McDonald wrote:
Just a quick question for those who attended. Did the Donahues bring any toys for the drive? I didn't see them walk in until late.
We were sitting at the same table with Mrs. Melloni and saw the conversation at the end of the table. To be honest, I was having too much fun to watch much of the conversation.
I'm sure they did and they were probably very nice in case there was a photo shoot. Just to let you know that Turning Point works well with the Melloni Toy Drive. As of this noon time, Sassy's has taken applications for 204 children. Thirty-nine of them are new applicants. We have one business that shops for a very large family and they are not included in our applicants. We have social workers and firemen who give us lists also, which would be recorded by Mrs. Melloni. She probably has as many applications as Sassy's does. I am sure that we will be getting more calls the nearer Christmas comes. Turning Point is out of everything.
#10 2009-12-08 21:36:30
I personally really enjoyed shopping for the Kid Komfort kits this year. I liked knowing that I was spenidng money on Wareham families and not on someone who could be as far away as Boston. Not that those children are not needy too, but charity begins at home!
I think the community is blessed to have so many wonderful organizations, such dedicated people, to ensure that every child has gifts under the tree. Having worked in homeless shelters in the past I can say that the true heartbreak of homelessness is the kids. The system is so over burdened that families are sometimes forced to split up, leaving kids with family and friends while mom and/or dad go into an adult shelter.
Even families who have not gotten to the point of homelessness but are living paycheck to paycheck (literally) really need the support that the Melloni toy drive offers, along with the other resources in town. I loved every second of my all night shopping trip for the kids and can hardly wait to do it again next year! I believe that the kids are our future and they are the responsibility of all of us!
Bornof, I commend you for your dedication to these causes!
#11 2009-12-10 00:47:53
Thank you, Cara. Some applicants leave me in tears.
Larry McDonald, I believe I need to retract what I said to you yesterday. I did not attend the Melloni Toy Drive dinner this year. Apparently, Mr. & Mrs. Donahue arrive after the dinner has been served and they do not purchase tickets. I assumed that they brought toys, but the person I spoke to says they have never seen them bring toys. Now, before it is put all over town that they don't or didn't bring a toy, let me check further.
Another thing, the daughter's of Dick Melloni, shop all year long and work just as hard as the other volunteers. They are behind the scenes and everyone should know how involved they are in this tribute to their dad.
#12 2009-12-10 07:58:07
I guess working the crowd is free. Merry Christmas, kids.
#13 2009-12-10 09:02:23
Just a note on the Toy Drive...........remember when you donate toys that need batteries, donate the batteries too !!!!
Yesterday one of Dick's Daughters was out scrambling to buy batteries to give with the toys. This year I donated batteries along with many other items. This is truly one of the things that makes Wareham a great place to live. Many thanks to the Melloni Family........thay are part of the heart and soul of the community.
#14 2009-12-10 09:13:45
Thanks for the reminder. That has always been one of my biggest faults is buying toys and forgetting the batteries!
#15 2009-12-10 19:32:11
voter wrote:
I guess working the crowd is free. Merry Christmas, kids.
If you only knew.