#2 2009-12-08 09:41:07
Great letter, Larry!!
#3 2009-12-08 09:56:12
alan...lies to me about the bos liason involvement in the crc
mary ann..as town clerk by law has EVERY member of a committee or board sign the open meeting law yet had NO clue..
#4 2009-12-08 10:23:18
This is just the start. We need to keep the public informed of what is obvious to us. We cannot allow a group of "supporters" to shape the future of Wareham against the will of the people!
#5 2009-12-08 10:53:50
Excellent letter. Thank you Larry.
Inside the Charter Review
April 6, 2010
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#6 2009-12-08 12:54:29
Good letter Larry. The Charter Review Committee was supposed to review first and then reccomend but even before they were appointed it was a forgone conclusion that they were going to push through a Mayoralty so that the Hypocrite Elite can cash in and the unemployable will finally have paychecks.
#7 2009-12-08 13:38:33
CRC Chairman Alan Slavin:
“Over the last three years, Town Meeting has gone the wrong way”
This was what Alan Slavin said on January 29, 2009..Before he was appointed to the committee..Sounds like getting rid of Town Meeting was already clear in his mind to me.
Same article:
Selectman Bruce Sauvageau disagreed strongly with one candidate, who said the scope of the charter committee was narrow under the law. Peter Baum, an Onset resident, said that in his reading of the matter, it seemed that a charter committee as appointed by the selectmen didn’t have the authority necessary to propose a wholesale revision of the town’s charter, according to the state constitution.
“The Charter Review Committee has not a limited scope, but a very serious objective,” Sauvageau said.
My guess is K&P (or someone) had already informed Brucey and the gang that a "special acts" route could be taken (by the CRC) to implement a governmental form change, with an Elected Charter Commission as a backup plan..
Oh, and hate to keep bringing this up, but doesn't functioning without a full committee since the first meeting bother anyone else?
Courier: More charter committee candidates interviewed
April 6, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-12-08 13:39:52)
#8 2009-12-08 14:15:15
One of my original questions to the CRC was trying to address the need for additional members. As I stated in my letter, I received no reply from the CRC. There are several qualified and extremely bright candidates that could fill that opening, but as you can see, they Selectmen and committee continue to ignore it.
#9 2009-12-08 16:59:30
You are so correct, Just look at the cast of characters on the CRC. They were all hand picked for there loyalty to the BOS. They are doing what they want and not what the towns people want. How can anyone come out and say they don't care what the people say and they will instead go to legislation just to move their own agenda. The are working underground on a continual basis. They have had multiple illegal meetings at Edward Pacewicz house on Mckinley st. They meet all the time. And if you have met Edward Pacewicz you would know he is a replica of the BOS.
#10 2009-12-08 19:08:25
The good news is the voters in Wareham will send a message in Apri and hopefully they will end up with a new group of Selectmen will see fit to disband this group.
Simple, if you can verify that information, they have also violated open meeting law, and that can be addressed through the DA.
#11 2009-12-13 11:07:26
yes it can, and I will get the video, pics and notes regarding dates and times for you ASAP.
#12 2009-12-13 12:46:47
Thank you Simplelogic. I will complete the research on whether this is a violation. If it is, it will be pursued. We cannot allow this special interest group to work AGAINST the will of the people without recourse for their actions.
#13 2009-12-13 12:52:35
Just an update. According to MGL 39/section 23 B clearly states it is a violation. Shame on them. It's time we combat the special interest groups that are destoying this town. Isn't that what Brucey wants? Didn't he state that it was special interest groups that were ruining Town Meeting? I say we take the evidence to the Selectmen as well as the AGO.