#1 2009-12-04 09:30:36

Once our library is decertified I think it will take awhile to become certified again. There seem to be more budget cuts in the future for all town departments including the library. I can’t see how the library can possibly stay open for 50 hours a week. We are not the only community that has been decertified; every town in the state is having a tough time. Rather then cut essential services like fire or police, towns first cuts seem to be libraries and senior programs. I think the Board of Library Commissioners simply doesn’t understand the reality of the economic crises. They actually make matters worse by decertifying libraries. Once decertified they can no longer get grants they desperately need, the commissioners add to the downward spiral. I know most of you blame the TA for the percentage cut from the library and that may be true but I think the Library Commissioners need a reality check. That said I have some questions about the library once it is officially decertified.

Once the library is decertified does the town have to hire a qualified director who does meet all the Commissioners criteria?

Do they even have to hire a director or can Marcia continue to do both jobs?

Does anyone know if it is legal for Marcia to hold both jobs? In essence she is collecting a pay check from two departments isn’t that double dipping?

I have a feeling Marcia would rather be director of the library. If the library is decertified could she apply for the job if the Commissioners criteria are no longer in place?



#2 2009-12-04 11:20:26

Is it necessary to begin the search for a library director all over again, or do we still have a pool of potential candidates?  Marcia has no credentials as a library director, and she needs to be replaced in that role, as soon as possible.



#3 2009-12-04 12:22:43

Interesting that you mention MG doing both jobs. Here is another interesting thought:

Liz Pezzoli works FOR Marcia at the COA, so Marcia is her boss.

Marcia G. works FOR the library trustees basically, so Liz P is her boss.

This seems to me to be a conflict of interest.

Libraries must have library directors who hold a master's in library science whether the library is certified or not.



#4 2009-12-04 16:49:50

Not to mention the whole town just took ethics training!



#5 2009-12-04 17:26:09


A similar situation came up in the Town of Mendon a few years ago. The Building Inspector, who reported to the Board of Selectmen,  was also on the Board of Asessors. The full-time assessor, who reported to the Board of assessors,  was also on the Board of Selectmen. thus, each was the boss of the other.

The State got involved, but I don't recall that anything came of it. After my trip to the other side of the continental divide for family purposes, I will be happy to research this further.

If it is not wrong, it is certainly bizarre.

had enough?
Take Back Wareham!
April 6, 2019



#6 2009-12-04 18:20:06

Thanks for the info Nora. A masters may be the qualification for the library.  Most people thought to qualify for town accountant you should have a degree in accounting but the TA thought otherwise. I’m just worried that since the library will be decertified the standards will be lowered.

Good luck with the sale on Sat. I did notice at the last town meeting they announced all the different Christmas fairs around town and failed to mention the library’s book sale or cook book sale for the friends. Larry Gaines came forward to announce the fund raiser for the COA and you would think Marcia as interim director would come forward and mention the book sale for the friends

Commonsense…. I don’t think ethics are high on Marcia list. I’m not sure the fund raisers for the COA are ethical or legal. David Smith quit the COA board because of something he didn’t agree with but I don’t have all the details yet.

This is off topic but does anyone else think it’s strange that Slavin is allowed to be on almost every committee in town and now he is one of library trustees.  Isn’t there some kind of conflict of interest being on all those committees? I think there should be limit to how many committees you can be on. Give someone else in the community a chance to volunteer and offer different view points.



#7 2009-12-04 21:46:47

commonsense wrote:

Not to mention the whole town just took ethics training!

Well, for sure, that didn't work!



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