#1 2009-11-28 22:00:05
At last Tuesday's (originally) untelevised "workshop"/BoS Mtg. the Board defended their openness. If only they could clam up the ST/Urbon and "us" (anyone who doesn't think they're doing a fantastic job) it would be a perfect Wareham. The rest of the meeting will hopefully be up by tomorrow.
ST: DA continues probe of Wareham board's secret sessions
April 6, 2010
#2 2009-11-28 23:05:59
The Crypt Keeper thanked everyone for following the board's lead on all that they are trying to do..TALK ABOUT BEING OUT OF TOUCH!!!!
#3 2009-11-29 09:56:03
When one listens to Sweet Brucie's comments one gets the impression he has been a regular reader of this site. He uses many of the same complaints we use about the press. The only difference is that he is referring to the ST and we all know it is really Bobo that is the person Brucie is describing.
#4 2009-11-29 10:08:27
ok bruce where in the constition does it say "you have the right to say STUPID THINGS"
#5 2009-11-29 10:20:31
Meanwhile, Brucie couldn't grasp the concept of paying for trashbags and having a contractor pick them up at no other cost to the Townspeople..why didn't he go to Sleepy for an explanation??..oh, I forgot, he didn't get it either!!
#6 2009-11-30 10:51:28
One of the things that happened at Tuesday's "workshop" was the appointing (finally) of a Library Board of Trustees (11/24/09)...here are the names and terms.
Leie Carmody June, 2011
Johnna Fredrickson June, 2011
Kathleen R. Furler June, 2011
Dorothy Heath June, 2012
John F. Houton June, 2012
Elizabeth L. Pezzoli June, 2012
Martha Strachan June, 2010
Loey Vieira June, 2010
Thomas E. Wavro June, 2010
The Library Board of Trustees meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7 PM in the Wareham Free Library's Conference Room.
http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … mm/library
*note..two of the appointees (Carmody,Houton) are also "working" on my favorite committee, the CRC. Who said "stacking" meetings ?? Just for kicks, go to this link (under "contributions") and search the name "Carmody"..and "Donahue" for Wareham...http://www.efs.cpf.state.ma.us/SearchItemResults.aspx
Let's make an effort to attend these open meetings and show our support.
April 6, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-11-30 11:16:45)
#7 2009-11-30 11:00:54
Leie Carmody...... is also makes donations to selectmens campaigns and is also an officer in the Wareham democrats who's president just happens to be John d our town moderator.... any ?'s
#8 2009-11-30 22:56:53
LIZdaGNOME wrote:
Leie Carmody...... is also makes donations to selectmens campaigns and is also an officer in the Wareham democrats who's president just happens to be John d our town moderator.... any ?'s
Leie Carmody also wrote a letter to the rag comparing the police department to Nazi's after the arrest of Bruce. A few weeks later she was pulled over for driving around at night with no headlights on and drove away with a friendly reminder to turn on her lights. So much for those Nazi police officers.
#9 2009-12-01 01:43:18
LIZdaGNOME wrote:
Leie Carmody...... is also makes donations to selectmens campaigns and is also an officer in the Wareham democrats who's president just happens to be John d our town moderator.... any ?'s
Her name has always left a bad taste in my mouth. I do not trust her.