#1 2009-11-23 11:55:48

Rip Dinkle here..................(que the music Hamm)

It seems our ladies of perpetual sorrow are at it again. Calls were received by the state with complaints about the weight limit signs and the number of trucks travelling MSR. One source stated that the ladies complained about "hundreds of trucks going up and down the road during the day". Our inside source told us the busiest day was 42 trucks and that is still below the allowable limit of 50/day. The road signs with stated weight limits for trucks was addressed long ago and it's not clear why the ladies are bringing it up again.

Attempts to sell their home for well over the appraised value have resulted in more laughs than actual interest.

In a related story, Santa has informed this reporter that both ladies are on the naughty list and should not expect anything but sticks and coal for christmas. Santa was not pleased after the ladies called the police late on Christmas eve when they heard a noise. Santa just barely made it out of the neighborhood before a convoy of police cars converged on their house for yet another time.

Rip Dinkle....Ho HO HO.....Happy Turkey Day



#2 2009-11-23 13:48:26

Rip Dinkle wrote:

Rip Dinkle here..................(que the music Hamm)

April 6, 2010



#3 2009-11-23 14:02:42

jeppers ,creepers ladies stop chewing on the rug, and bearing false witness on  lt bliss,   and coniving with brocton brenda to screw people.



#4 2009-11-24 11:18:01

This morning, there was an unmarked state police vehicle on MSR. The officer was there because of complaints made about the truck loads travelling on the road. State police now patrolling MSR because of of agricultural activity? IS this a good use of our state tax dollars?

Here we go again!



#5 2009-11-24 12:28:34

DOT must have requested it, one would think.



#6 2009-11-25 01:42:51

danoconnell wrote:

DOT must have requested it, one would think.

A member of the Mass. State Police lives in Wareham and is also on the truck team.  They do random stops and are involved in all truck accidents.  Sometimes they actually bring out portable scales.  I'm sure they were asked to go there.



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