#1 2009-11-17 09:58:44
While it may be fun to poke jest at the "123 revealed" in another thread, if you really give it some thought, Mr. Slager has publicized who they are by virtue of their names being a matter of public record in the town reports. Any one can look in the town reports and get a list of the names of the Trustees for the years of whch he speaks about. He has defamed and libeled those people without actually printing the names in his rag and I hope individually they sue him for every penny, every shred of anything he and his wife have. And then I hope they file a class action suit as well.
#2 2009-11-17 15:15:51
There is no 123. It's just another byproduct of the overactive imagination of Bobo McCarthy - a transparent rouse so that now Bobo can try to make people think that whenever someone criticizes his select buddies, they're only doing so because they don't want to be exposed as one of the evil 123.
The only 123 things Bobo has ever had is 123 cream cheesey bagels for breakfast in one sitting.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-11-17 15:17:51)
#3 2009-11-17 15:22:06
Wait, I stand corrected. Once a week Mrs. Bobo gives Bobo a $1.23 allowance. But other than the the buck twenty three and the 123 bagels that's the only 123 that Bobo McCarthy is packin.
#4 2009-11-17 15:50:05
From what I'm reading on this blog it has to be way more than 123 people. For example, in order for the copy machine and books sale scams to work, every trustee and member of the friends from 1995 on, plus every person who ever worked in the library and knew about the copy machine and the book sale scheme had to be in on it. How many people are we talking now?
Then there are all the people on the money laundering part of it who got the big savings on their taxes by getting half of their donations back but claiming it all. We're tallking putting a big $3 mill into the washing machine here. Not bad for what is often called a blue collar/working class town.
Boy these people are good at keeping secrets. I hardly know 2 people who can keep a secret let alone thousands--once they tell their significant others since how can you file a joint return without your sig. other saying, hey, where did all this extra dough come from? We are talking big numbers.
Perhaps ragboy should say it straight--everyone in Wareham was in on it EXCEPT the current BoS, all their lackeys assigned to various boards etc, and their loyal weekly followers. With a regular population of a bit over 20,000 and most of them in on the embezzlement/laundering/loan sharking--well, you know what I mean. Totally absurd.
#5 2009-11-17 17:28:49
never mind
Last edited by notalawyer (2009-11-17 17:35:49)