#1 2009-11-11 20:47:33
since this past june the library will not buy any books , the selectman have told marcia griswald that they will not buy any books for the library any more , she was told the trustees and the freinds have 450 k and they can use that to buy books ,no more books let the freinds and foundation spend there money for the books.
#2 2009-11-11 20:54:13
#3 2009-11-11 20:57:04
That flies in the face of our Selectmen and their speeches Tuesday night.
#4 2009-11-11 21:00:46
I wonder if they will tell everyone interviewing for the director job. Oh by the way you got the job as library director and guess what the town isn’t going to give you any money for books. You’re not allowed to spend any town money on books. That should help cut the library budget.
#5 2009-11-11 21:07:17
Maybe PShooter can find some of the great footage of the BOS saying such things as:
"Let's just close the library"
"We could really use the $300,000.00 in the library budget"
etc etc.
I do not think that they have any intention of leaving it open one second longer then they have too (by that I mean, they received state funds for the construction so they are required to keep it open for a minimum time period, which is fast running out!)
#6 2009-11-11 21:37:34
I'll pounce on what has just been said as an excuse to repeat what I've said before: The three rules for building highways are : drainage, drainage, and drainage. The three rules for lifting up Wareham to a better place are: education, education, and education. The conventional view of what constitutes "education" is the K-12 item that is the lion's share of our budget. The library comes as if an expendable add-on. Wrong,wrong, wrong !! A community library is the base upon which everything we call "education" rests. The schools cater to us from the age of five to the age of 17. The library caters to us from the time mothers carry their babies to our reading readiness programs to people like me in St Peter's Waiting Room!
If you care about"A Better Wareham", fight "to the death"for a strong library. I'll be at your side.
#7 2009-11-11 22:29:45
Cara (or others) if you know some meeting dates, maybe we can work together and find some of their "better" comments. Like a needle in a haystack to me. Maybe, if I ever get finished, I'll try and watch 'em all in order. that should take up my Sixties pretty much...Nora, you might be able to spare me, and point out a few "gems"