#1 2009-11-09 06:03:40

http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbc … 015/TOWN14

The first line says it all,   "For the second time in a month, a member of the political group Take Back Wareham has made factually inaccurate statements about The Wareham Observer."  Bobo, the story you wrote has nothing to do with TBW?? 
Again, he is trying to make every attempt to take the heat off of the selectmen. This site is becoming more and more popular so he is trying everything he can to stir up people here so he can start the "hateful rhetoric" and "hateblogger" BS again.

Last edited by wareham pride (2009-11-09 06:35:38)



#2 2009-11-09 08:30:52

As the owner of the TakeBackWareham.org, .com, .net, .info web addresses, I can honestly say that I've never met Mr. White. So, once again, Bobo the fabricator has lied. Geez, you would think that after being fired for misquoting or making up quotes, you would think before you write.



#3 2009-11-09 08:47:28

It is going to be a lovely week! Nothing like starting it off with a letter from Bobo the Fabricator.....I posted at 8:30 and the troller was obviously up and ready!

From: Warehamobserver@aol.com [mailto:Warehamobserver@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:38 AM
To: Larry McDonald
Subject: Official notice

  Mr. McDonald, I have never been fired from any job, let alone for making up quotes or misquoting anyone. This is a defamatory statement. I formally ask that you either supply evidence to back up such claims or to retract your comments on www.warehamobserver.com and acknowledge your error. I will pursue legal action against you if you fail to comply.

Robert Slager
Observer Media 

Hey bobo, if anyone knows about writing lies and then hiding behind SLAP laws and editorials, it would be you! How should I phrase it? Let go? No longer needed? Passed over? It's just what I heard...from a reliable source :) 
I"m envisioning this....He lied about me! Yes, I fabricate, but he lied about me!  Well, maybe he didn't lie, but it is a factual inaccuracy in my opinion....Bobo, if your lawyer takes a case against anyone when he knows your history....he must be desperate!

Give it a rest...find something constructive to do....find a job...fabricate another story...it's only monday



#4 2009-11-09 08:52:55

Just so everyone knows....I sent this email to Bobo a while back:

From: Larry McDonald
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 3:48 PM
To: 'Warehamobserver@aol.com'
Subject: RE: You were saying?

I’ve asked you once, and now I will state it as clearly as I can. Do NOT, under any circumstance, contact me through email again.

So, apparently he doesn't understand plain english. Sigh...and I was hoping he would just go away because the village called and their idiot was missing.



#5 2009-11-09 08:53:31

ok so let me get this straight slager demands PROOF from others but GIVES no truth in his opinion editorals... whatever...



#6 2009-11-09 09:10:33

I read the latest interview.(Thanks to the sender).
It sounds like BoBo interviewing Paul Shooter. Insults directed at BoBo, etc.
The whole concept of this alleged person's tale is ludicrous.
Talking about $100.00 donations being kicked back?
Come on.
I would have to imagine that before the week is out BoBo will be contacted by several investigative agencies for him to produce proof of what he is saying.
Maybe even the Feds.
They'll get a big kick out of him!



#7 2009-11-09 09:16:09

Folks, pay this man no mind.  He speaks of wanting to raise the level of discourse, yet he tells me he can't wait to see my family in jail, calls me an "***hole" and says I'm "full of sh*t" (note that he didn't star-out the expletives, though).  He claims that there's an organized "Take Back Wareham" group, yet every claiming he makes about it (from the facebook page to pshooter's page to this new one) winds up getting refuted by the person he's claiming is involved.  He's admitted that he's in terrible financial shape, and all of the sudden he starts publishing wildly controversial claims that you have to pay to see, and even when you do pay, there's no actual evidence. 

In short, don't give him any more attention - the letter from WCTV, and his response, were also published on his blog, but it seems that he obviously knows that not enough people read that for him to be able to get his spin out to the masses.  The more we talk about him here, the longer he stays around.  Let's let this drop, and watch him fade away



#8 2009-11-09 10:15:25


Last edited by billw (2009-11-09 10:17:04)



#9 2009-11-09 10:33:59

He'll NEVER sue you Larry!  I think we can draw up a list of people he has threatened to sue, but never did.



#10 2009-11-09 10:51:57

Thanks, Bill W.
A troll!! With a sock puppet...how appropriate!



#11 2009-11-09 11:29:24

****For the record, The Observer has supported the stated objective of Move Wareham Forward to promote mature and respectful debate over town issues. I personally find their goal of returning civility to Wareham to be a noble one. I have also been a vocal opponent of Take Back Wareham, a group I believe uses hateful rhetoric in the pursuit of a political agenda ****

I find this statement very interesting. I attended the Move Wareham Forward meeting held at the town hall. The lady and gentleman who supposedly organized the event allowed absolutely no debate on anything, all they would allow is questions. No one was allowed to make any type of statement leading into or out of a question.  If the objective was to promote mature and respectful debate, their meeting failed miserably. Jane and Bruce controlled the meeting so I suspect they were really the organizers and as such, it was a meeting to further their own political agenda. Mr. Slager is fantasizing.



#12 2009-11-09 11:37:22

Mature...you think the troll fantasizes?



#13 2009-11-09 11:43:26

Perhaps Mr. Slager's lawyer will be giving him a cut rate. I hear he will have 127 defamation of character and libelous lawsuits against him. You'll make 128. He'll need to buy some lottery tickets and hope he wins in order to pay his legal bills which are going to be astronomical.

Last edited by Maturevoter (2009-11-09 11:48:05)



#14 2009-11-09 15:06:14

I formally ask that you either supply evidence to back up such claims or to retract your comments




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