#1 2009-11-08 06:52:43
Historically in Wareham, when the town has been in a position to hire a Town Administrator, School Supt., Library Director, or School Principal, a search committee was formed. It generally consisted of a variety of people pertinent to the search.
In the search for a Town Administrator, for example, it might have included a Selectmen, a department head, a FinCom member, School Committee Chairman, a leading business person in town, and three citizens at large. This committee would review all the applications, interview all the candidates, TRAVEL TO THE COMMUNITIES OF THE MOST PROMISING FIVE CANDIDATES TO ASK QUESTIONS, and then narrow the choice to the top three, which were then given to the BOS to interview publicly and vote the best candidate.
It usually didn't make any difference which one of the three final candidates they chose, because the three were all well qualified, top notch, and any one of them would be a good choice. The committee made sure of that.
Same with the School Supt........ A school prinicipal, a PTO president, a teacher, a high school student, Selectman, a Fin Com member, and three parents. Same process, Review applications, site visits, reccommend top three to School Committee for final interviews and hiring. Again, the top three were the best of the crop.
Key here is that the committee was well rounded, took the time to do site visits to the community from which the candidate came and also did a full backround check, including having the Police Chief do a CORI check.
Perhaps it's time to scream, scream, scream, loud and clear that the voters want to go back and set up a well rounded search committee to hire the new TA and Library Director. The BOS can use this to restore some credibility of leadership if they take note. (Said with tongue in cheek, they are beyond restoration of credibility).
How about a campaign, both phone and letters to the BOS starting today?
Mr. Paulson, how about you taking the lead by having your board members make the first eight calls and then send a letter by mail from the entire FinCom, registered, return receipt to each individual BOS member who then cannot say "First we heard of this or I didn't see it in my packet?" If they have to sign for it, then you know they got it.
Time to put pressure on this board to do the right thing. We can use the same tactic that Slectmen Donahue enjoys. Start a phone bank and email campaign. Two hundred calls, at least, in one day. That should send a message. And as many letters as we can get people to write. Emails are good, but letters have a bigger impact. Hundreds of letters would be nice.
Last edited by Maturevoter (2009-11-08 07:00:44)
#2 2009-11-08 07:51:31
First, I agree, pressure in the form of public sentiment being expressed is important-make that vital.
As a committee, getting into whether we should have search committees is somewhat off of our main path. However with that said, I will talk to my fellow committee members and see what they might wish to do as citizens of the town, and my recommendation would be do exactly what you are proposing-or at least make our individual feelings felt and considered.
And, frankly, I think the BOS would probably be more responsive to the idea then many might expect, so it is certainly worth a try. Given my position-such as it is since I get to make the coffee if I am the first one in-I probably see more of what they Selectmen have to deal with and they are beyond overworked-and yes to a large extent is is their own fault-and the only solution is for them to step back and delegate "powers" away and let the chips fall where they may.
Many people in this town are "target intensive"-a World War I expression for the winning gunner following his vanquished foe, spiraling downward, guns blazing, until they both crash into the ground. Who won in that case? That kind of process has got to stop if we are to move forward.
So, count me in, maybe as a variation on a theme.
#3 2009-11-08 08:41:31
Mr. Paulson, I respectfully disagree that it is indeed not off your path. As FinCom it's your responsibility to be the watchdogs of the community as to the financial situation of the town.
The inability of this BOS to carefully review and read all resumes, to follow through on researching credentials, their inabllity to select qualified people as candidates for our most important management positions very much reflects on the financial position of this community and the state we are in.
Had they chosen a TA through a search committee previous to hiring John McAuliffe, we would have had a qualified person in this leadership role for the past year and half. A person who would have been able to lead this town in a fiscally responsible way. Look at how much money has been wasted on frivolous use of K&P to obtain "guidance" on day to day decisions that a competent Town Administrator would have been capable making on his/her own. Look at how many lawsuits we have incurred as a result of "not knowing better" all brought on by bad decision making.
And as far as this Board of Selectmen being overworked, they have no more responsibilities nor duties than any other prior BOS. If they personally don't have time to devote to this position, to read their weekly packets, then they should not have run for office. Any person taking this position is well aware ahead of time, what the job entails, or should be. You are exactly on target, however, when you say they should delegate some of this work. This Board is only a policy making board. They should not be involved in anything else whatsoever. The voters took all of those other jobs away from them and gave them to the TA when we adopted the Charter. It was intentional that the TA would run the day to day and have strong oversight of the town. This BOS have gone way beyond the scope of their jurisdiction. Way beyond.
There will be no winners in this town until this Board is voted out of office and we elect people who understand the role of Selectmen and who let the Town Administrator do his job. A qualified, well respected, well experienced Town Administrator. And that's the key to fiscal good health, having a qualified, experienced Town Administrator.
It is indeed within your role as FinCom to suggest that this BOS should set up a search committee so that we can hire someone who can do the job and restore fiscal responsibility to our community.
Last edited by Maturevoter (2009-11-08 08:43:44)
#4 2009-11-08 09:10:48
A previous selectman told me that Bruce never even opened his packet until just before the meeting. It looks like he is still doing the same. And Cronan is right behind him.
Packets are ready ahead of time so the bos can be prepared. The reason Bruce and Cronie always are flipping pages etc is because they have no clue what they are looking at.
In their favor Jane and Brenda seem to prep ahead of time. That means that they knew about the new library director and didn't ask for and credentials or background.
I agree with mature--if they don't have time to read their weekly packets at the very least, they should resign. They took on a job and they should do that job. Period.
#5 2009-11-08 09:45:41
Maturevoter wrote:
Mr. Paulson, how about you taking the lead by having your board members make the first eight calls and then send a letter by mail from the entire FinCom, registered, return receipt to each individual BOS member who then cannot say "First we heard of this or I didn't see it in my packet?" If they have to sign for it, then you know they got it.
Mind if I pause momentarily to let Barbara Deighton-Haupt stop laughing?
After an exhaustive, five month long search, Bruce found the perfect Library Director. Somehow, we were not supposed to notice.
Engaging this BOS is pissing into the wind.
We need elections as soon as humanly possible.
#6 2009-11-08 12:30:56
Maturevoter wrote:
..And as far as this Board of Selectmen being overworked, they have no more responsibilities nor duties than any other prior BOS. If they personally don't have time to devote to this position, to read their weekly packets, then they should not have run for office. Any person taking this position is well aware ahead of time, what the job entails, or should be. You are exactly on target, however, when you say they should delegate some of this work. This Board is only a policy making board. They should not be involved in anything else whatsoever. The voters took all of those other jobs away from them and gave them to the TA when we adopted the Charter. It was intentional that the TA would run the day to day and have strong oversight of the town. This BOS have gone way beyond the scope of their jurisdiction. Way beyond.
There will be no winners in this town until this Board is voted out of office and we elect people who understand the role of Selectmen and who let the Town Administrator do his job.
It is indeed within your role as FinCom to suggest that this BOS should set up a search committee so that we can hire someone who can do the job and restore fiscal responsibility to our community.
Right on target..thanks (as always) MV..