#1 2009-11-07 07:35:30

Rip Dinkle.......(que the music Hamm)

Late last night, I was told that our tax dollars are once again being misused.
Who is paying for the accountant's college education? We are! Most businesses have a personnel policy in place to FURTHER the education of an employee, but this is not the same thing. First, qualifications for the position included a degree and/or advanced degree or CPA. Since our new accountant did not have those qualification, she should not have been hired. However, she was. It was also stated by the ITA that she had 3 years to get her degree. What he didn't tell you is we are paying for that degree. It would be different if she had a BS or BA in accounting and was pursuing her MBA, but she did NOT have a degree. Why should we be paying for a degree so that she meets the qualifications she did not have in the first place?

Citizens of Wareham, we are losing good employees and hiring people that do not meet the minimum requirements. Why should be be paying for her degree?

Rip Dinkle...........you cannot make this stuff up......over and out.



#2 2009-11-07 07:44:45

AND who negotiated such a deal ?  The ITA, who continues to prove he has no skills as a manager ?  Mr. Sanguinet needs to go home to Plymouth.  He isn't doing Wareham any favors.
AND why hasn't she closed the FY-09 books yet ?  AND what did the consulting accounting firm do for 6 months or more at $120 per hour ?
AND who negotiated that deal ? the ITA ? 
More and more failures at the hands of our "leadership".
Maybe that's another flaw in the Charter...



#3 2009-11-07 08:32:09

It would be so easy if they, the Selectmen, just admitted they were bumbling fools, stepped down and turned this town over to competent professionals. We could forgive (not forget!) their mistakes, but they won't even admit they make mistakes!

It sickens me that we continue to uncover more and more misuse and abuse at the hands of the Selectmen. Do they really not see what they are doing to this town?



#4 2009-11-07 08:34:30

All I need to know about John Saguinet I found out one day when we (my wife and I) went to visit the fool. After an attempt to intimidate me, which failed miserably, his parting comment in earshot of 3 people was, "I believe AD Makepeace should give the land back to the town so we can build houses on it, they have made enough money of this town". Business savvy is not one of his strong suits.



#5 2009-11-07 08:43:13

Saguinet wouldn't be a pimple on any of the Makepeace family's ass.
Shame to see the poor deny the wealthy their just due for what that family has done for the Town of Wareham.
Of course, Saguinet wouldn't know that...he's not from Wareham and doesn't live in Wareham.



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