#1 2009-11-01 16:50:16

I hate reading The Rag, but it is Sweet Brucie's chosen news outlet.  He now states that the plan for ballot initiatives for Civil Service and Westfield was his alone.  The BOS has not voted on this, but he will put it on Tuesday's agenda.



#2 2009-11-01 17:11:14

He's full of it (trust me, they've discussed EVERYTHING)..and I bet it passes, after a whole bunch o' self-righteous BS is spouted..Oh, that reminds me, I better get the recorder set, thanks ggm.

*edited for IMO disclaimer..This and much of what I post is my opinion..I hope that it's obvious sometimes..pssst, like the "trust me, they've discussed EVERYTHING" above ; )


Last edited by PShooter (2009-11-01 17:57:36)



#3 2009-11-01 18:00:23

King Brucey and Court Jester Bobo are backpeddling now because they realize the political shitstorm they're in for if the DA starts looking into a decision of this magnitude being made outside of a public meeting....but for a week now the story has been up on Bobo's site that the selectmen decided to move forward and try to circumvent the will of town meeting voters.

Anyone who disagreed with the selectmen was labeled by Brucey as "ugly and blackhearted" and a decision was made in secret outside of the public eye by the selectmen and then announced in their public relations newsletter to let us "peasants" know that the "King" has decided to overturn the will of the people as expressed at town meeting.

I hope this backpeddling is a sign they realize that what they are trying to do is illegal.  Any selectman who tries to do this should be recalled.

The people have spoken.  Town meeting voters have spoken.  This isn't a dictatorship.  This is a Democracy.  The people have spoken.  If you don't like what the people said, then that's your right.  You don't have to like it, but you do have to respect it.  The voters have spoken and that cannot be changed.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-11-01 18:02:19)



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