#1 2009-10-31 11:43:53

Rip Dinkle here......(que the music Hamm)

This report has been very busy! I attended Town Meeting and witnessed Brenda have a melt down Monday night. Am I the only one who thinks she should grow up and lose the silly halloween outfit? I was going to offer to kick start her broom so she could get home, but she was busy calling the crowd a**holes. She is a fine example of leadership!

Ellen Begley is calling for people to contact Susan Gifford about the deplorable conditions at Agawam Village. I have yet to hear her call to contact our State Senator, Marc R. Pacheco. Since she is a registered democrat and did contribute to the campaigns of a certain Selectmen, I wonder why she isn't a bit more savvy? I am going to help her and her nonorganization. Senator Pacheco should hear from the citizens about the deplorable conditions! His phone # is 617-722-1551. Let's all contact him and see what he is doing to secure funding for Agawam Village!

This reporter also found out that the town of Wareham has spent over $3000 in defense of Crime Watch Boss, George Coleman. Does that mean we will be on the hook for more? 

One last item! One of the seniors who received a call the weekend before Town Meeting is in the process of organizing other seniors to make sure Bruce has to find a job after April. His arrogance has finally caught up with him. The same seniors are former supporters of Jane Donahue. Notice the world former. That seems to be the trend in recent months and I expect it to continue.

For now.......Rip Dinkle.......who's your daddy?

Last edited by Rip Dinkle (2009-10-31 11:49:36)



#2 2009-10-31 13:29:52

Why is the town paying for Coleman's defense? I thought I watched a Selectmen's meeting during which Bruce said the town is not repsonsible for Crime Watch?



#3 2009-10-31 13:30:14

Rip Dinkle wrote:

Rip Dinkle here......(que the music Hamm)

Ellen Begley is calling for people to contact Susan Gifford about the deplorable conditions at Agawam Village. I have yet to hear her call to contact our State Senator, Marc R. Pacheco. Since she is a registered democrat and did contribute to the campaigns of a certain Selectmen, I wonder why she isn't a bit more savvy? ?

All the bobo and bos supporters  behave alike.  They seem good at eliciting emotions, but offer no real solutions, even though some solutions may be available, i.e contacting Senator Marc Pacheco.

BoBo is infamous for this kind of soap opera reporting.  I assume, inorder to evoke terror in the elderly and attention for himself, the rag ran an on-line story about some elderly woman  living in squalor with rodent droppings on her bed and open dog food cans strewn about.  With dramatic flare, he described his vomiting and bawling his eyes out before he went and to get supplies to clean this woman's home and food for her to have a meal. (Didn't say he cooked it for her)  First of all, why the hell does he always brag about crying in public? 

The real issue is something that makes me want to cry and hurl, but I will get a grip on my emotions, because that's what adults do.  If BoBo cared so much about this woman: 

1) Why didn't he connect her to the Meals on Wheels program?  And if she reads his paper weekly, why didnt she know about Meals On Wheels?
2) Why didn't he go to COA and ask how to get this woman involved in any of their programs?
3) Why didn't he get in touch with elderly services to ask for help for this poor woman.
4) Why didn't he tell her about Damien's Pantry and Gatra?
5) Why didn't he tell her about food stamps?
6) Why didnt he get in touch with Pacheco or Gifford to ask what other services were available?
Could it be that he really doesn't care about the elderly beyond how to use them in his rag for his and sweet brucie's own political gain.----and reasons to explain his bawling uncontrollably in public?



#4 2009-10-31 23:44:36

What town meeting taught me is that they don't care about Seniors or anyone else. Once Bruce's Westfield project was defeated, they should have stepped up and started a comprehensive study of Senior housing. Insteady, they pouted and decided town meeting didn't exist. Yep, let's leave the seniors hanging because Westfield is more important?

I can't even begin to comment on Slager or Andrea Smith. It is a shame his paper is still in business. He is a distraction and brings no value to the community. Enough said.



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