#1 2009-10-29 11:50:32
Ellen B. posted a comment on the Wareham Courier website. The following are direct quotations therefrom:
"You both have demonstrated animosity, negativity and irresposibility in your comments. This serves our Town how? The time for your same old insulting nonsense is over. I'M so glad that you feel free to post on a public forum, then everyone can see the counterproductive bullies you really are. We are interested in moving forward, you're welcome to join us.....
"Have any constructive, positive, alternatives to real issues in this Town? Happy to discuss them in a mature, rational manner....."
So. Is that Ellen B. giving the ol' what-for to Brucie & Brenda? The words certainly do apply, now, do they not?
But no. these quotations are from a posting dated September 30, 2009; at the end of an article written by Ruth Thompson, titled: Wareham Selectmen Support Resident's suggestion to Host forum on Town Issues!!!!!
It is directed to posters Warehamvoter and Isaac, who had sharply worded (but printable) responses to the article.
Who knew that Ellen B could be (you should pardon the expression) such a hateblogger? Who knew that Ellen B. is so forward-seeing (ahh, I just love word plays, don't you?) that she could foresee her cronies words and condemn them in advance?
Lecture us, if you please, on the proper response to being characterized as "assholes" by an elected official. Is that the sound of silence I hear?
Support and justify, if you might, how the phrase "ugly with black hearts" eludes your condemnation as "animosity, negativity, and irresponsibilty", as you wrote that Warehamvoter & Issac had demonstrated. The silence is deafening.
Quo vadis? Still think that the Gang of Five is moving in what a reasonable person would classify as a 'forward direction'? More Latin: Res ipsa loquitor.
The thing speaks for itself.
And while I have your undivided attention, you used the following phrase:
"anonymity is the last refuge of cowards'.
That, of course, is not the original quotation, but it is a neat paraphrasing of it. the original is attributed to Dr. Samuel Johnson, an Englishman who was rabidly opposed to those thirteen upstart colonies (that would be us) getting their freedom. To him, the colonists arguments were weak, and broke down into shouting slogans. His remark, meant to be scathing and sarcastic, was: "patiotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel". Wonder what his comments were after Lord Cornwallis gave it up in Virginia.
Otheres have modified Dr. Johnson's remark for their own purpose. One was the former President of the Massachusetts Senate, William Bulger (no booing, please). when the boston Globe and others attacked him, he was quick to respond: "ad-hominems (i.e personal attacks), the last refuge of the scoundrel".
So, EllenB. this begs the question : would calling people "assholes" be an 'ad hominem'? How about calling people "ugly with black hearts"? And to repeat your question: "This serves our Town how?"
EllenB, you are aligned with scoundrels, scalliwags and charlatans.
Quo vadis?
#2 2009-10-29 12:10:31
Excellent notalawyer! Oh, there is more on our fair haired friend Ellen B. The time will dictate when that information comes out. IF she truly wanted to back her words with actions, she would be one of the first to cry "foul" for what Bruce is attempting. Instead,, like the other Selectmen, she remains quiet.