#1 2009-10-28 20:58:04

Following is a copy of a letter submitted to local newspapers for publication. I wanted to share this with all my truth blogging friends. My good friend Melodye Conway is the author. I think that she has voiced what we collectively feel! Good work Mel!

To the Editor and the citizens of Wareham,

My name is Melodye Conway.  I have lived in Wareham for 39 years and attended Town Meeting regularly since I was old enough to participate.  I vote in our local elections, have volunteered hundreds of hours on several Town boards and committees as well as been active with local youth organizations. 

I attended both nights of Fall Town Meeting and will admit I was appalled at the lack of civility demonstrated by many in attendance, including the Board of Selectmen.  In my years of experience I have never witnessed such outlandish behavior and it saddens me to see what this purest form of democracy, that has guided our Town for hundreds of years, has degraded to.

I place the blame for this situation solely at the feet of our current leadership including the Moderator.  When the Selectmen regularly criticize and ridicule private citizens, volunteer board members and Town employees it is no wonder the citizenship will follow suit and behave in a manner less than appropriate for a Town Meeting setting.  Our Moderator has allowed this behavior from all parties to escalate over the last few years to a point where he no longer has any control of the meeting.  Our Selectmen have no respect for the voters who attend Town Meeting, consistently labeling voters who do not support their initiatives as corrupt special interest lobbyists.  One Selectman even went so far as to say those voters were “ugly people with black hearts” in print in a local publication.

I suggest instead that the Selectmen should lead by example and exhibit the level of civility and respect to the citizens of this community that they seem to expect be granted to themselves.  I suggest as well that we need a Moderator who is capable of assuring that the body in its entirety maintains the level of decorum that should always be exhibited at Town Meeting.

The Town Meeting system works.  Any registered voter with an opinion has the right to attend and be heard and to vote their conscience.  With solid guidance from our leadership the Town Meeting form of government is effective.

It is my understanding that the Selectmen are intending to place the failed Westfield initiative and the failed Civil Service article on the April Town Ballot.  At the public urging of the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, nearly 500 voters attended and spoke clearly on Monday night, and 260+ on Tuesday.  Their votes should not be discounted, ridiculed or dismissed.  Personally I have had enough and urge the voters of Wareham to stand up and be heard.  We cannot allow our current Board of Selectman to attempt to override the Town Meeting process.


Melodye Conway



#2 2009-10-28 21:03:34

Way to go Melodye! !



#3 2009-10-28 21:06:51

I second that motion!



#4 2009-10-28 21:09:01

Hey Frogs, long time no blog?
Great job Mel!



#5 2009-10-28 21:24:33

As I posted in another thread the other day, and as you voiced here, with the
proper leadership, Town Meeting can and does work.

While I do place most of the blame on the moderator for his inablility to control the meeting, I also have to place a small part of the blame on the TM body as well.  It's called manners people, and they are severely lacking these days.  Maybe some of these people were new to the process and not aware of the civilty that TM tradition requires.  Maybe the moderator should have strongly reminded us all...

I voted Westfield out, BayPointe in, and for keeping a Civil Service Chief.

I voted with my own brain, my own heart, and my own voice.  If the rest of the voters in town can't be bothered with attending Town Meeting, than boo hoo to them. 

Do we need AFFORDABLE housing for WAREHAM seniors? YES!  I didn't see that here; it was too open-ended.

Should the chief's position be civil service? with this BOS, YES!  with another board, that's another question for another day.

I heard the arguments and I made my choices.  The BOS should live with them.  They are the ones who are destroying the legitimacy of Town Meeting.



#6 2009-10-28 21:26:04

Excellent letter, Melodye



#7 2009-10-28 21:32:51

Excellent, well said Melodye. About 500 of us should sign it. Real big (so they don't need glasses to read it)

How did these A-holes get in? I feel like we adopted Jeffrey Dahmer, Stalin, Ma Barker,
and Lizzie Borden. Oh, wait...that might be an upgrade. Forget that. How do we get them out? (ASAP)

Don't expect too much civility when you pull the shit you do. Not from me, sorry.




#8 2009-10-28 22:00:46

Thank you Melodye for voicing what so many of us feel. To the senior citizens I spoke with, I truly am sorry your votes were dismissed by the Chairman of the Selectmen. I hope it now clear that if you don't vote for their agenda, you will be labeled "ugly people with black hearts".



#9 2009-10-28 22:14:39

Slager wrote:

According to Sauvageau, plans to form an evaluation committee for the five proposals previously received for Westfield will continue despite the events at Town Meeting...Sauvageau said the evaluation committee will thoroughly review the five proposals previously brought by developers. Then the heart of Article 2, which would have conveyed the town-owned property to the jurisdiction of the selectmen to lease it to a developer, as well final approval of a specific proposal, will either be decided by a ballot question of at Annual Town Meeting.

“We’ll work this plan as hard as those very ugly people that organized themselves (against Westfield),” Sauvageau said. “That’s what they are - ugly people with black hearts.”


Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-29 00:11:10)



#10 2009-10-28 22:40:20

refer to above.

Last edited by wareham pride (2009-10-28 22:40:57)



#11 2009-10-28 23:02:48

You really earned this one, Sweet Brucey.




#12 2009-10-28 23:44:50

He is an ignorant, egotistical, self absorbed, pseudo-intellectual, incompetent,oblivious, arrogant poor excuse for a human being and should never hold public office...especially as a Selectman.
My opinion, of course.
He also appears to be un-American. There are cells everywhere with people that are least suspected. I wonder if anyone will call Homeland Security and have him investigated?



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