#1 2009-06-17 08:10:14

Hey! (Woof even!)

I'm getting a very strong impression from many here that recall is fast becoming the topmost attractive option in pursuit of these scoundrels. I'd like to take a step back from the emotion and rhetoric for just a moment and consider some of the many accomplishments and what may present reasonable chances for success in our future.

If we pursue this pack of scoundrels by way of recall, we will play into their hands. They would like nothing better than to take attention away from the computer witch hunt they initiated, from the lawsuits which will continue to mount, from their lack of credibility which becomes more easily discovered, from their veil of deceit which through their mouthpiece has become increasingly unpopular.

I have faith in the system that as time passes and providing we keep the trail warm they will not be able to evade their wrongdoings. It will become even plainer for many more to see. I also firmly believe that time is on our side and not theirs. The desperation of these potential criminals should not be placed purely in a context of us vs. them. It is our duty as citizens to continue to make even stronger points regarding how our town can be better, how it has suffered and will continue to suffer. The BOS has proven to be incapable of being part of a solution to our problems. I'm hopeful that outside intervention will shed even more light on what continues to happen in Wareham. Many of these issues have not played themselves out.

Make no mistake about it, we are taking on a band of rogue Nazis. And unfortunately, they are organized and we are not. A recall effort will not bolster our support in any positive, meaningful or longlasting way.

I agree with the proposition to become better organized, to begin meeting in some fashion, to exchange phone numbers, etc. Important items to address are how we can affect an increase in our town vote, improved attendance at Selectmen's meetings, plan what is in store for Fall Town Meeting, organize the defeat of current incumbent Selectmen in the next elections, organize new action plans perhaps even including the emergence of a strong and real Independent Political Party for the Town of Wareham.

We are at a challenging crossroads in the history of our town. I am neither optimistic nor pessimistic about its outcome. Don't jump into the recall too fast!



#2 2009-06-17 08:51:44

I have learned a thing or two about small town politics and government. The most important thing is that the BOS is NOT in control of what happens in Wareham. We, the voters and taxpayers, are the CEO of Wareham. We have the opportunity and the right to either oust the idiots who continue to spend at a record pace (legal fees, insane audit), or raise up in one voice to tell then NO!

Now, it's pretty simple to see we either bombard them with emails and letters to stop and listen to the taxpayers, or we proceed with a recall. It's obvious they don't care what we have to say. They seem to think they have many supporters who are encouraging them to continue with their quest to ruin Wareham, so it really comes down to this: Let's see if they have more people in support of their actions, or do we (taxpayers and voters) have more support to put a stop to it. It's an old fashioned thow down!

Up to now, apathy has gripped the public. These "elected" Selectmen have been put in their positions by a low voter turn out.  If there are 10,000 registered voters, can we not stir up 4,000+ who disagree with the actions of the BOS and want to put a stop to it?

I"m sorry, but sitting back and letting the legal system take care of the problem is time consuming and allows them to continue to spend funds at a record pace.

Last edited by Maplesprings Road Man (2009-06-17 09:12:55)



#4 2009-10-10 13:46:01

The time is now for the BOS finale, put on your seatbelts; it begins with this Town Meeting!
It has arrived with the "timely" exposure of the Health Trust fiasco. Although appearances are to the contrary, this is a planned and contrived event in the same mold as so many of the other events we have experienced over the last several months.
I believe that Mr. Paulsen ought to resign immediately as Chairman of the FinComm. To have handled the BOS with kid gloves during this important period of time is inexcusable.
In my humble opinion to initiate discourse that points toward the manner of reimbusement or identifies a particular group which has been wronged is another veiled attempt to accomplish an alterior objective. That objective is to decimate whatever vestige we have remaining of our town services.
Mr Paulsen you have been and remain equally culpable as is the BOS when hypothesizing or promoting such solutions. To make the citizens feel your solutions are necesary on a more or less immediate basis in this manner is not really called for nor needed.
Mr Swett, Mr. Rabinovitch and others have taken the bull by the horns and begun a constructive process where you and the BOS have failed. Kudos for them in their courage to identify and persevere toward the right solutions. I am pleased that both the BOS and FinComm are now at a distance from evaluating this problem as neither is capable of solving it.
I urge all here do not buy into what Mr Paulsen says as it is more consistent with all the knee jerk reactions we have come to see with the BOS and the continuing incompetency and lack of steadfastness displayed by our iTA.
In the next couple of weeks stay focused on our prime objectives at TM pertaining to Civil Service, Westfield and the Town Charter.
Please be especially vigilant to any proposed knee jerk reactions pertaining to the Health Trust fiasco. Be prepared to defend the integrity of Town Meeting as an instiution during those evenings later this month. As we have seen in recent Town Meetings the stage will be set by those in power to persue sins of omission as well as commission. Should such contrivances be introduced on account of the need of immediacy, I will find all such solutions suspect. Such an attempt to manipulate my intelligence misses the mark which is that the whole picture of the town's finaces needs to be examined before the right solutions can be proposed. Again, I have faith there are right solutions out there if we have the patience and are allowed to find them.



#5 2009-10-10 14:00:51

Article #1 at Town Meeting. Examine with a fine tooth comb, and be ready to use your line item veto as a member of the open Town Meeting.



#6 2009-10-10 16:42:02

wag: Both posts are great contributions to our ongoing discussions; I hope we can draw you in closer.

We did some pretty serious research into the recall process this summer and essentially came up with the same view that you have pointed out so clearly.
Two selectmen , the moderator, and the town clerk  are up for re-election in April.  That's really not far away.

Town Meeting is our top priority, and thanks for adding fuel to that fire.

When I read your concerns about the FinCom Chair's  proposed solution: Write out 500 checks for $4,000 dollars asap and deal with the consequences  later , I knew how Robinson Crusoe must have felt when he saw Friday's footsteps in the sand: "I'm not alone!"

  What would surely follow that step would be exactly what  the BOS and the FinCom chair have been together on: more cut-backs and  the elimination of  more town services and property... e.g. shut down the library, sell off the Westfield  land, sell off The Nail Factory....whatever. We'd be The Gateway Job Lot !

The bigger you can make the disaster the more power people are willing to give to their government.

The unions have from the outset seen the "big picture"  and have said that they were willing to negociate,as opposed to insisting on a death dealing demand for their "pound of flesh".

The problem didn't happen all at once and it shouldn't have to be solved all at once if by doing  that we turn a fiasco into a total disaster .

Thanks again....Let's hear from you more often.



#7 2009-10-10 16:48:17

I need you wisdom and knowledge here. What do you think of Mr. Paulsen and his statements to us, and what do you think of the Bob Bliss situation?
I ask you because you don't believe in bullshit and I am looking for answers from someone I know is reliable and knowledgeable and honest.
We need honest answers from those we trust.
I hope you feel comfortable enough to answer.



#8 2009-10-10 18:01:03

I am writing this because I was reading between the lines in both Wag the Dog’s and Dick Wheeler’s posts. Wareham has been on the map of developers and retailer for about 15 years. It has not yet reached its potential. The current people in Gov. are not business friendly (their not any kind of friendly) now that I think about it. Wareham sits only 45 min. to an hr from Boston, 20 min from New Bedford and 45 min to an Hr from Prov. And about 5 Hrs. from the Cape on a bad summer day. You May ask why I even mention New Bedford I will tell you. New Bedford has a strong relatively inexpensive workforce and great transportation on land sea and air. Wareham has Land. Wareham Crossing didn’t happen over night and I am not counting the time the people of Wareham knew about it. It had been thought about for a very long time before coming to light just like A.D. Makepeace’s development. Bay Point has been talked about expanding since it was first developed. You have the opportunity to bring in a strong town planner and TA who know about Smart Growth. And put in place a board of selectmen that will grow the town in a responsible way helping to reduce the cost to each citizen.
Westfield is not the place for any kind of housing I am not sure why Bruce wants it out of town control so bad. He is obsessed with the project , not a good thing. He and the board have shown a reluctance to really get behind A.D.Makepeace they have never gotten involved with Plymouth Rock Studios that could be a real winner for Wareham as well as Plymouth. They are not business friendly there fore they are not jobs friendly and that is what keeps the population of Wareham poor and in there control.
This needs to change show them at town Meeting that you have the power to decide what is good for the town and in the spring remove them and take back Wareham This is not politics this is the survival of the town. One step at a time. Take advantage of the many people with knowledge and the will to change Wareham into a smart growth town. Something for everyone, The goal is to have no need for Turning Point or Damien’s pantry. I know that is a dream but I set my goals high so should you.



#9 2009-10-10 23:10:16

Dan:   Here's  an incomplete response:

  Remember the ads: "Nobody doesn't  like Sarah Lee."

It's the same with  Dick Paulsen: He is "appealing of aspect", and appealing  in  other ways: he's smart,  he's funny, he listens.....and you have to respect a guy who has screwed up his dream of retirement by taking on  a volunteer role as important as Chair of FinCom in a town called Wareham

Then, you might ask, why am I wary?

Good question.

I'm not going to tackle it in depth here tonight, but as an interim  response, I see him as a sensible thinker in the  "old time" conservative tradition who sporadically comes up with what I see as "off the wall" proposals.

For example: When the library was struggling to stay afloat a year ago this likeable guy floated the notion of turning the library into  affordable housing and running a computor generated book delivery system out of the multi-service center.

Example#2: In conversations regarding education Dick has been reluctant to let go of a  "pie-in-sky"
(in my view) proposal to link Wareham Schools in an exchange program with China

To return to the present issue....I worry that this "out of the box" thinker (which makes Dick P and Dick W brothers),can come out with a solution  to the Health Trust  fiasco that he really hasn't thought through .On the one hand, it is honorable,etc, to cut checks  that would solve the problem .  But whoa!  That would destroy the town. He's advocating Shylock's "pound of flesh" demand in that Shakespeare play they rubbed our noses in when we were H.S. juniors.

To wrap up... We're not (my opinion) talking about a new "bad guy" ....we're  talking about a guy "nobody doesn't like" who can occasionally  give new meaning to the old term from the age of the frigates: "loose cannon".



#10 2009-10-11 08:29:47

Thank you, Dick.
I am wondering, since I don't know him, if Mr. Paulsen was speaking tongue in cheek abut cutting checks to the elderly.
I admire his courage in coming "out" on this site and giving a reasonable and interesting point of view.
What about the Bob Bliss situation?
Thank you again for taking some of your geezer time to answer an old jar-head!



#11 2009-10-11 08:49:30

He's here because no one else will listen to him?  How about the last three town meetings?  Where was his leadership all this time? He's been spewing crazy talk for months so people just talked around him. Now it's too little, too late? This is a municipality, not a private enterprise or China. Some out of the box thinking is more like off the wall.



#12 2009-10-11 09:24:04

beware of mr paulson , he is one of bruces  stooges, and has helped with screwing up warehams  finances , i giess bruce and paulson might have had a falling out, but if new  ledarship comes to wareham  , he has to be given the  heave  ho.



#13 2009-10-11 10:09:16

Proof reading my  previous post after a good night's sleep..... I see that I misspoke with my Sarah Lee remarks.  What IS the right quote? The intent is a double negative...Is it nobody doesn't not like Sarah Lee?
Bottom line: Nobody dislikes Dick Paulsen... I don't put him in the same category with the cast of "Tuesday Night Live".  It's perhaps precisely the fact that he comes  with ten good ideas in a row that we're apt to buy the bad eleventh one.



#14 2009-10-11 10:12:35

I don't think people are talking about a recall now. The cost of a special election would be irresponsible in such tough fiscal times. But in April, when we have an election already scheduled, I think we need to consider recalling the other 3. That's the word I've heard going around. Recall in April.

But you are right, town meeting must be the focus right now.



#15 2009-10-11 12:06:21

Thanks again, Dick:
Now...Bob Bliss?



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